Lichen Planus?

(Geoffrey) #1

Does anyone have any experience with this skin disorder? It appears to be an autoimmune disease from what little I’ve been able to glean.
Since most, if not all autoimmune diseases, especially skin diseases, can be cured or helped by eating carnivore or even Lion diet does anyone know it our WOE could help with this one.
I have a dear friend who is in her 70’s. We are her advocates and care for her when she need help with anything. Well she is being eaten alive by this disease. It’s a terribly itchy disease. She is miserable, can’t sleep and has sores all over. I’m afraid she’s going to get an infection that could be too hard for her to recover from.
So far her doctors have tried different medications but nothing seems to help and yesterday while visiting her for her birthday she mentioned that the only relief would be self elimination. She said that she wouldn’t do it being a devout catholic but it still scared me.
I can fix just about anything that needs fixing but I’m feeling pretty helpless here.

(KM) #2

I have nothing specific to tell you, I’m sorry. As you say, it appears to be autoimmune. And it appears it could be related to B12 deficiency, although the direction of causality is unclear (does it cause it, or is it caused by it, or neither). Would she be open to an elimination / lion diet?

(Geoffrey) #3

When she first asked me about my diet 10 months ago she was very adamant that there was no way she could do what I’m doing but after visiting with her yesterday and seeing how miserable she was I believe she would be willing to try anything at this point.
I plan on trying to introduce her to this but I want to approach her with some hard facts if I can.

(MavisArthur) #4

I’m 73 and I’ve had Lichen Planus since the beginning of this year. Mine is not as serious as your friend’s but it’s ugly and itchy and worrisome. I’ve spent a great deal (inordinate amount) of time on the internet trying to sort out the cause and how long it will last. - (who knows? and don’t know).

The common causes do not seem to apply. However, it seems that a rash? of LP might be coming from vaccines. I’m not anti-vax and am vaxed to the max. My last vaccines (x-large senior dose flu and covid booster) were only 10 days prior to the arrival of LP. Looking back four years to the beginning of covid, I’ve had a lot of vaccines - shingles, flu (large dose) and covid. I don’t think there’s been another time that adults, especially older adults, have been so heavily vaccinated and I’m wondering if some of us have reached some kind of tolerance.

When you search cures and treatments the sites usually lead with there being no cure. The common treatments - topical steroids, antihistamines have proved useless to me,

I’ve been Keto for almost six years, although not as strict as I could be. Since LP I’ve 100% removed nightshades and off-and-on chocolate, dairy and nuts from my diet without any change. Have reached a point of ‘why bother’ about’ about dietary considerations.

I’m going to see my doctor on Tuesday and will ask about the Immune Response Medicines noted in this website.

Until I find out otherwise, there’ll be no more vaccines or boosters.

I’ll update with any news.

Best wishes to your friend.


Hey! I’d bet money that your poor friend would have relief from LP within the month of trying carnivore.

I’ve suffered from this horrible condition for a long time, it has affected all of my mucus membranes, inside of my cheeks, gums, (including my delicate lady bits) and my skin.

The doctors claim there’s no cure, its ‘just the way it is’…. No. No it’s not.

The only thing which helped me was cutting out ALL inflammatory foods, I mean full elimination diet, the AIP diet (autoimmune protocol) was my first experiment with elimination, it’s a great place to start (I hadn’t found carnivore at that point). If your friend can manage carnivore it would probably be even better for her.

I’ve put mine into remission. If I step away from strict food choices it starts to flare again so I stay strict. I did notice when I had covid some mild symptoms returned but that was obviously because my immune system was in turmoil. It thankfully calmed again eventually.

I’m wishing her all the best, its absolutely miserable when it’s at its worst :cry:

(Geoffrey) #6

@MavisArthur, so I take it that keto hasn’t helped you much?

@alimc, you give me hope that she can be helped. It looks like keto is a no go and that carnivore is the way to go.
I wonder if Lion would be even better.

(Edith) #7

If she is somewhat hesitant, I would start with carnivore. It at least has some variety with the different types of meats and eggs. Then once she adaptes if she needs to be more strict then maybe move on to lion.

I would suggest carnivore without dairy. Dairy is a known contributor to inflammation in autoimmune disease, particularly rheumatoid arthritis. Dairy makes my brother’s psoriasis way worse, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it contributes to lichen planus.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #8

This is a distinct and worrisome possibility. It has long been known that there are various types of reactions possible to vaccines. This is not a reason to avoid vaccines in principle, but if you know you react to certain things, that changes the cost/benefit analysis.

As for the question in the OP, my personal experience is that inflammation is behind a lot of my health problems and keto/carnivore greatly reduces it. How keto/carnivore helps with auto-immune diseases is a different matter. A ketogenic diet was one of the standard treatments for Type I diabetes, back before the advent of insulin treatments in 1923, and it helped greatly to preserve the patient’s life, but it didn’t repair the damage to the pancreas. In fact, Type I diabetes is an ancient disease and was known long before the advent of seed oils, refined sugar, and other processed foods in the diet. How that experience generalises to other auto-immune conditions is anyone’s guess, however.

My guess would be that, to the extent your friend’s problem is inflammation-related, keto/carnivore will definitely help. Whether it will also help calm an excited immune system is a question, but we can safely say it won’t hurt.

As a practical matter, the itching can be greatly relieved by heat, as I learned from a systemic bout of poison ivy years ago. Immersion in a tub of really hot water will help, though it does carry a risk of scalding. My belief is that a hair dryer on high is a good alternative. The relief from either treatment is like that of digging your fingernails in and really scratching, but without the mechanical trauma.

P.S.–Should have read more of the posts before replying. I’m glad to see that keto/carnivore can indeed be helpful. A strict elimination diet, if your friend can handle it, would probably be best; she can add in more meats and see what the results are.

(Geoffrey) #9

Good point. Thank you.

(Geoffrey) #10

Thanks Paul. Once I looked up this disease and saw it was an autoimmune disease I figured our WOE could help her. I’m glad to find that I’m on the right track.


The cause of Lichen Planus is not known. I spoke with my wife, who is an MD, and here is what she want to know before treatment: How long has your friend had this? Some auto-immune diseases first show up during a period of change or stress. If this is the case, she should seek out professional help. Does she have Hepatitis C? Is she on medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease, some medication can have an effect? Metal fillings in your teeth have also been shown to have an effect. Have her checked out for a vitamin B12 and D3 deficiency. I would take high doses (20,000–50,000 IUs) of vitamin D3 before bed for 4 weeks. If after the first night she has a headache when she wakes up, discontinue. Have her rate her level of pain every morning. Recently, there have been two studies on those who were deficient in vitamin D, where the subjects took a one-time dose of 300,000 IU, and another study did 600,000. The subjects no longer were Vit D deficient.

Wishing your friend nother but the best in health👍

(Geoffrey) #12

I will write this down and ask her. Thanks.


I can attest to this. I don’t have this particular disease but I do have something that has gone undiagnosed for over 30 years now and it flared up severely the past few months again. I have incessant nonstop itching of my forearms all day long and a tickle cough in my chest that makes me sound like a heavy smoker but I haven’t smoked a day in my life. They have never found a reason for either but the itching leaves me almost insane. I bruised ribs from the coughing. The itching has left so many scars along my forearms from all the sores that it makes others look at me strangely, like I’m a leper. I even had nasty neighbors spread a rumor that I had bed bugs. :rofl:Lately the itching has spread to my face and scalp and I’m literally in hell.

I recently read that a warm bath with several tablespoons of vegetable glycerin can help soothe the skin and itchiness. I bought it on Amazon (Now Solutions). I have a big tub and add about 6-8T of it because of that. A typical small tub might only need 4T? Keep itchy body parts submerged a good 4-5 minutes. I also add a homemade bath mix of Dead Sea salt, epsom salts, and baking soda that I found online. I do this twice a week and I get a little bit of relief for a several hours afterwards. I also rub the glycerin on my wet arms after a shower and never towel dry. Air dry only so it can soak in.

Maybe that might provide occasional temporary relief for her??

(Bob M) #14

I would’ve thought cold would help more than heat with itchiness. I’ve learnt something.

I think almost any autoimmune or inflammatory disease could be helped by keto.

If she can afford it, she can try these:

I have been trying them, but unfortunately for me, there’s no way for me to tell whether they work (my condition isn’t dermatological and there’s no way to really know of/test for a benefit). She might see a benefit, but I assume it might take a while (>1 month?).

(E P) #15

For what it’s worth, another vote, treating autoimmune here too :raising_hand_woman:‍♀ Just RA, but keto was good and carnivore seems even better

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #16

Colloidal oatmeal is also supposed to help. It comes in two varieties: easily affordable and outrageously expensive. I use the former.

(MavisArthur) #17

I’m sorry if I gave the impression that keto hasn’t helped much. I’m keto for life and credit it with keeping me healthy and prescription free and am almost in the ‘keto fixes everything’ camp. What I should have emphasized was that I tried removing the keto frills from my diet - nuts, chocolate and dairy without a positive result, so what’s the point? Keto lives on. Having read of Just_Juju’s experience I’m prepared to try frill removal again. Whilst I don’t think diet is the cause, certain things might be the triggers for the afflicted. ???

It’s possible that if your friend is afraid of carnivore that she might benefit from a low carb, above ground vegetables type of diet. Kind of like keto but you don’t say the word. You don’t mention what her diet is like now and low carb might provide some relief.

None of the ‘normal’ causes of LP fit me but there is more recent research which made me suspect vaccines as a possible cause and to seek out my doctor, maybe for drugs.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #18

I agree. Tell your friend, “No sugar, no starches, no grains,” instead of saying the word “keto.” She’ll probably be fine with that. Even doctors who think keto will kill us are okay with that.

(KM) #19

Hoo, they’re throwing everything but the kitchen sink in there! Certainly a suspicious correlation though. I wonder if LP triggered by covid or covid vaccination has any different treatment or potential cure from LP not triggered by those things.

(Edith) #20

Something else to consider might be gluten intolerance. Gluten can cause leaky gut which then leads to autoimmune issues. Has she ever tried going gluten-free? That could be the easiest place to start. Maybe a paleo diet?