Let me get this straight-If I drink heavy cream and eat butter I’ll be skinny?

(Liz ) #81

I feel skinny at 5 foot 8 and 160 pounds LOL. My husband is DEFINITELY skinny at 5 foot 7 and 120 pounds. I can see every muscle on his frame! We had no idea he really even had that much bodyfat to begin with. He only went Keto for the health benefits and now he looks cut!

(Casey Crisler) #82

Maybe the term eat to satiety is throwing people off. I had to look it up when the dudes mentioned it. It means eat until sated.


(Randy) #83

That, as they say, is the question.

(Randy) #84

The info is out there Tons of it. But it’s your job to make it work for you.

I’m not saying you’re trolling. But your contributions to this thread feel “trollish” to me…


Same here. Hubby did it to support me and lost 20 pound. He also feels great, and honestly didn’t believe he had 20 pound to lose!

(Blue Polka) #86

I’m counting carbs and calories and I am so hungry!

(Carpe salata!) #87

So stop counting calories and go with (sensible) satiety. :slight_smile:

(Frank) #88


(John) #89

I suggest reading the FAQ page here: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You might also find Mark Sisson’s blog useful. He has an article that may help you understand some of it: https://www.marksdailyapple.com/where-i-part-ways-with-the-popular-keto-movement/

(hopefully it’s OK to link to other sites - I am not affilated with that site in any way other than as an occasional reader).

(Erin Wilson) #90

Why would you need to count calories? I know my calories, but ONLY because the App I’m using also gives the calories, along with the macros.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #91

I have that problem sometimes. If I eat way too much food on any given day, it will take me a few days to lose the water weight. So I don’t track calories to the tee but on chronometer I do check to make sure I’m not, say, 500 over for the day.

(Pete A) #92

If you don:t want to be accountable for what kind and how much food you’re eating, you don’t HAVE to be Keto! :grinning:

Good luck.


If you’re hungry, eat fattier meals until you find you can go to the next meal, without being hungry.
More fat = less hunger (generally speaking).
how many calories are you eating?


This person has been given plenty of links and resources and still does not appear to be “getting it” while making somewhat eye-catching posts.
Keto principles simply aren’t that difficult to understand.
Smelling like a troll here.

(KetoQ) #95

John –

Mark Sisson has lots of great content, and yes, feel free to post links to other relevant sites and discussions.