Learning about keto


Has anyone done this course?

I am a NHS (UK, national health service) volunteer with the roll of scrutinising different areas of care - I’ve only been doing it for a few weeks.

At the moment it’s Podiatry, which of course includes diabetes. But it could be any care provision and I will meet consultants, administators, purchasers and commissioners of care, the lot!
And as metabolic disease is fundamental to much ill health I would like to be knowledgeable and authoritative about keto.

What do you think?

(Wendy) #2

I think it sounds interesting and possibly very helpful for you. I admit I am a Tim Noaks fan. I’m interested to know of anyone’s experience with the course as well.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

Go Prof!! :+1:

Seriously, @PatNotFat, if it’s from the Noakes Foundation, chances are the quality is pretty high. You would probably still have to scrutinise it, but Professor Noakes is an internationally respected researcher and physician, who has done a lot of work in the field of nutrition, especially sports nutrition.