Latest A1C Now+ results

(Robert Hollinger) #1

I only ran one test this time but the A1C Now+ home A1C meter just showed 5.7 down from 6.8 a couple of weeks ago! I wish I brought 2 or 3 test kits to confirm the result but in the past it’s been pretty reliable +/- .2

I’m a little surprised I was expecting closer to 6.5 because my fasting numbers have still trended a bit higher than what this A1C would indicate but my non fasted numbers are lower. Still haven’t really broken 100 yet with any consistency but at least I’m still trucking in the right direction. Technically I’m no longer considered diabetic and only barely pre-diabetic but I suspect that my insulin is still higher and I still don’t handle sugars very well so best to continue avoiding.

(Doug) #2

Good deal, Robert. 7.3 went to that same 5.7 for me, with 4 months of keto and fasting. Totally agree - lots of progress yet to be made. I expect years of lowering insulin resistance.

(Robert Hollinger) #3

actually down from about 9.2 back in January so I’m happy with that number. now if everything else falls in line. I won’t know until I run more labs next month.


I recently bought an A1C Now+ w/ materials to do 10 tests.

I ran one of the tests yesterday. It was easier to use than I expected.

Result was 5.4. :slight_smile:


I ran another of the A1C Now+ tests earlier today.

Result was the same as it was nine days ago, 5.4.

I wouldn’t expect the result to change over a nine day period. I ran another test mainly to check to see if I get consistent results from this test system.

FWIW, I’m storing the testing material in the fridge. Doing so is supposed to extend the shelf life.

(Robert Hollinger) #6

after further analysis, the one that we bought seems to be .6 low. it will still show trending and give a reasonable ballpark but this one is definitely off for both that are using it. (we bought the pro version that has 20 tests. -.6 is on the bottom of the accuracy that they claim so it is within tolerance