Late to the Party... and Loving It


(Piglets = Bacon Seedlings) #1

You ever get to a party just in time for the food to be out, the drinks to be mixed, and the place to be rockin and thought, “Perfect timing!” Seriously, that is us folks who just started Keto :grinning: I went Keto this July and love that I got here “late”! Why, the science is now in place to back Keto up; I am only 95 episodes into 2KetoDudes and now there are so many new Keto broadcasts to also enjoy so I have years of podcasts to enjoy; the forum is vibrant and strong; Keto foods are showing up in the grocery aisles, more and more folks are Keeping Calm and Ketoing On and we just started a support and encouragement group at work; I have a doctor who understands the value of Keto and so many more things that just make this a wonderful time to join the Keto party!
Thanks to all the many science pioneers, podcasters and others who helped make joining the Keto party a little late, better than ever! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!!! (This means you as well, you wonderful forum folks!)

*Special thanks to Carl and Richard… our original party planners!

(Susan) #2

Awesome post, John. Congratulations on your Keto journey thus far, and best wishes for your continued Keto successes =).

(Piglets = Bacon Seedlings) #3

Thanks Susan… and how could I forget… all the RECIPES!!! I live in the age of Chaffles!!!


To funny. Welcome…
I know what you mean with the podcast I’m still in 2017 :smile:


What are you on John? Your good mood and sense of humour are infectious! :smile:

(Piglets = Bacon Seedlings) #6

Franko… something about a daily rash of bacon gives us all a slight high! :rofl:

(Marianne) #7

You are so fortunate. Went to my cardiologist on Monday. First time I have seen him since losing 55 lbs. He commented, “you’ve lost weight.” I said, yes, I’ve been doing keto. He didn’t know what that was! Whatever; doesn’t bother me. I left it at that and didn’t try to explain it. He commented that my cholesterol was very high (which it was in May - had only been doing keto for three months at that time). I have to have bloodwork done again in January. I hope my cholesterol values have decreased markedly by then. :frowning: Love my cardiologist, but he is in his 80s. I’m thinking maybe he really hasn’t heard of keto. He is a skinny guy; wonderful gentleman and very caring.

(Piglets = Bacon Seedlings) #8


Huge congrats on the weight loss and welcome to the party!!! There so many good concise articles and studies available on the science pages here relating to LDL/HDL numbers. I will be digging into those myself to be ready for my yearly physical in a month. I plan to bring the best of those with me when I go. Keep Calm and Keto On!