Late notice - Advent Fast

(G. Andrew Duthie) #21

Nope. 6 days is my max, so far.

I suppose stopping and starting could be part of it, but I’ve had issues with cold during previous extended fasts, without stopping and starting, so I don’t think that’s playing a significant role.

Good thing to consider, though.

(Andrew) #22

Per Dr Fong, aren’t you going to force your metabolism into trying to match your incoming calories since you are eating? If you eat 600 calories, your body will try and down regulate to 500. Fasting doesn’t seem to elicit that reaction, hence why it works so well.

I’ve only read about fasting recently, so I’m curious as to why you are throwing in the feed days. I can see “cheating” (as little as possible) until you get to the no hunger zone, but then I’d just stick with water. That was going to be my next attempt anyway.

(G. Andrew Duthie) #23

The feast days are for two reasons. One, because I view Sundays throughout the year as “little Easters” and as such days to feast, not fast, and two, because sometimes it’s helpful to mix things up.

I may try a longer than 6 day fast at some point, but anything over 2 or 3 days it’s sufficient to accrue the benefits I’m looking for in terms of autophagy and HGH boost.