Lack of Motivation to be Productive with Keto


Just started Keto in Nov., I run 5 miles a day and finding it hard to maintain energy. I eat about 100g of fat. Do I need to eat more? Also there are many different types of calculators and they all say different amounts of fats that I should consume. Help, getting lost here. I do intermittent fasting 16/8 every day.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #22

You’re doing fine. Fat-adaptation takes a while. You will probably have your energy back in another four or five weeks, or so.

Fat is not a magic weight-loss food, but it is a safe source of energy, in the sense that it stimulates very little insulin secretion, especially when compared with carbohydrate. Eat until you are satisfied, then stop. Don’t eat again until you are hungry (ignore the clock). If you keep your carbohydrate under 20 g/day and eat protein and fat to satiety, you can ignore the macro calculators. If you absolutely must use one, set it to “maintenance,” not “weight loss.”

(Shael) #23

Hi Guys,

Its been more than month while im on keto and experiencing same symptoms of @bcy83 which is lack of motivation/focus to do any work and also lost ambitions that i had towards my goals

whats the reason? can anyone please help?

(Scott) #24

It took me about three months to get my workout energy back but that was almost two years ago now. I am good now.