Lack of interest in exercise

(Empress of the Unexpected) #55

Diet, exercise and quality sleep! Anyway, I have a neighbor who I am judging to be morbidly obese. I might be wrong. He literally went from his couch to his car. He lives the equivalent of four doors down and had to drive to me to pay the rent. He couldn’t get up four steps so I had to go down to meet him. Just getting out of the car he was sweating and gasping for breath.

He was so sick he had to quit his job and go on disability. As a result, he lost his car. Can anyone guess where this story is headed.

I started seeing him outside watering. With a smile on his face. Last month he walked to my house to pay the rent and made it up the steps. No more frowns. He even walks around the park a few times a day. He says he can’t wait until he can throw away the cane.

He did lose 30 pounds. I have no idea what he eats but just gentle walking short distances made all the difference in this man’s breathing and, of equal importance, his attitude.

Diet alone may have had the same effect. But I believe we were meant to move, and the difference in just the few months my neighbor has been “moving” is remarkable.

(traci simpson) #56

When you stop moving, you start dying. Just my thoughts.

(Jennibc) #57

I agree - I have exercised regularly since I was 15 years old and I STILL managed to gain 120 pounds from 1995 through 2001…which I then carried around for well over decade…all while still exercised just about every day.

(Jennibc) #58

Maybe he’s gone on keto so he CAN move again.

(Joey) #59

Sounds like a delightful day of exercise to me. A perfectly zen way to pass time until the surf comes in. :yin_yang:

(Bunny) #60

I love your posts they are so insightful!

Resistance exercise against the glutes:

If I could think of two muscles in the human body it would be the glutes that would be the most important muscle to put resistance against, the more resistance you place against the glutes the bigger your arms (biceps) will get. A lot people believe if they are weight lifting with the arms that there arms will get bigger (biceps), nope does not work like that. That alone blows my mind! You exercise the glutes and the more muscle volume you build in the biceps, nothing happens when done in reverse?

If you want to burn body fat go after the glutes that’s how you burn fat, ketogenic diet or not.

I think, I can safely say it will work on anyone, if your lazy that’s another story?

By simply going after the glutes changes (re-shapes the epigenome[2] and significantly changes DNA methylation[1]) the entire physiology of your body for the better! The guy you always see doing squats in the gym with weights is going to have the bigger arms and chest muscle if your that observant?

Not cardio!

If you pinch your own butt and thighs and they look and feel like jello that’s because it is (re-esterification of fatty acids) …lol

The only time your putting resistance against your glutes is to stand up (milliseconds?) and that’s about it?


[1] “…DNA methylation is a mechanism that regulates whether genes are “on” or “off,” and is influenced by hereditary and environmental factors, as well as lifestyle and nutritional habits. This research demonstrates that methylation levels in the gene involved in lipid metabolism -Lipoprotein lipase (LPL)- are higher in obese people with a metabolic disease than in healthy people. “Since this gene is essential to decide whether the fat ingested is stored or consumed by the tissues, a dysfunction of this gene would cause high levels of triglycerides in blood,” explains the main author, Daniel Castellano.

In this regard, experts say that dysfunctional lipid metabolism in obesity is associated with a higher systemic inflammation, diabetes, cardiovascular disease or even cancer.

Likewise, this study also describes a lower DNA methylation in a gene related to inflammatory processes, such as the tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which may cause a higher functioning of this gene, which, in turn, may affect the pro-inflammatory condition observed in obese people with a metabolic disease.

Consequently, the main researchers of the study, Fernando Cardona and María Isabel Queipo, both members of Group A02 of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga (IBIMA), coordinated by Francisco José Tinahones, conclude that the methylation levels of genes related to lipid metabolism and inflammation are altered in obese patients with a metabolic disease, which partially explains the development of this disease.

The importance of epigenetic regulation

Thus, they point out the importance of epigenetic regulation in the origin of metabolic diseases and affirm that the study of epigenetic mechanisms is essential for developing new therapeutic strategies to face these pathologies, as well as for determining lifestyle habits that may prevent these alterations in DNA methylation. …” …More

[2] “…Current research data suggest epigenetic modifications (DNA methylation and histone acetylation) and microRNAs (miRNAs) are responsive to acute aerobic and resistance exercise in brain, blood, skeletal and cardiac muscle, adipose tissue and even buccal cells. Six months of aerobic exercise alters whole-genome DNA methylation in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue and directly influences lipogenesis. Some miRNAs are related to maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and VO2max trainability, and are differentially expressed amongst individuals with high and low VO2max. Remarkably, miRNA expression profiles discriminate between low and high responders to resistance exercise (miR-378, -26a, -29a and -451) and correlate to gains in lean body mass (miR-378). The emerging field of exercise epigenomics is expected to prosper and additional studies may elucidate the clinical relevance of miRNAs and epigenetic modifications, and delineate mechanisms by which exercise confers a healthier phenotype and improves performance. …” …More

[3] Best Glute Exercises

[4] 5 Reasons Why I Added Eccentric Training to My Workout Routine—And You Should Too

[5] Butt-Ology 101: How To Enhance Your Gluteal Muscles

image link

Body By Science (aka 1xweek workout) - WOMEN!

I walk around the house reading keto & other health related books on my kindle. I get over 10k steps in per day. I do it because it helps with my circulation. Apple move says I burn an extra 1200 calories or so per day with all the walking but I dunno bout that! Only time I lose weight is when I keep my net carbs around 15g and protein grams around 60g. I don’t count fat grams. I am too heavy to worry about aggressive exercise more than the walking I am doing. I’m 362 lbs. I’ll do more intense stuff after I walk off 100 lbs or so.

(Robert C) #62

Hi @Jennifer72,

One thing to keep in mind is that at 362, squatting (per @atomicspacebunny - working the glutes) is similar to a 200 person doing squats with a 100 pounds bar on their back (not a 162 pound bar because weight is distributed around your body).

So, if you start out doing “air squats” (squats without a bar) and practice form and getting low (which will take time) you can - as you lose weight, retain the fat burning and (once uncovered) great looking set of glute muscles. Drop 25 pounds, squat with a 20 pound dumbell, drop 75 pounds, squat with a 50 pound bar - as the weight comes off the body, add it to the bar. It will seem easy and - especially as you get older - you want to avoid muscle loss if possible (which is inevitable as you lose a lot of weight but still worth fighting against).

Good luck!

Body By Science, Fasting and BFR Training Results (with pics!)
Body By Science (aka 1xweek workout) - WOMEN!

Thanks, but if I squatted I don’t think I could get up :slight_smile: Also thinking it might be hard on my achilles tendon. I’ve had chronic non-insertional achilles tendonosis in the right leg… it’s scarred but feels weaker than it did, and gets irritated at times if I over exert the use of it. All my tendons are so glycated from past type 2 diabetes sugar levels, they can break much easier. I’ll try a couple though to see what happens.

(Todd Allen) #64

While exercising is fantastic, getting hurt can be a catastrophe. Take it slow and easy and safely work your way up to more challenging movements. Might start out repeatedly squatting very slowly onto a high soft surface such as a bed. When that feels good try going lower onto a sofa or low chair. Through progression you can safely attain deep squats to the floor with weights but no need to rush it.

(Liz Ellen) #65

I have found that swimming makes me ravenous as well. I’m not sure why because I don’t think it burns more calories than other forms of cardio. After an hour swim, all I want is a giant tuna sandwich. Every. Time. Where you do surf, Frank?

(Liz Ellen) #66

Just a note here: You don’t know why people use those carts. My husband has a form of adult-onset muscular dystrophy and has lost significant strength in his hands. Soon, it will affect his legs, too. His brother has it more severe and already uses one of those carts.


There’s no need for scientific evidence. It’s experience. It is what happens for some of us.
No, we only die if we exercise and eat below our energy need for a very, very long time.
We didn’t talk about this before, just different exercise levels vs (not forcefully restricted) food intake.

Yep, I would probably continuously lose weight when I exercise and eat comfortably on some satiating diet - until I slimmed down. I can’t imagine my body is a suicidal idiot. But if for some reason I became too thin, I would eat more, of course. I don’t wait until I damage my metabolism and lose significant muscle mass let alone until I start dying… It’s quite normal in this forum that our goal is weight-loss… It’s mine right now. Not a very important one but it would be nice.
BUT my usual light exercise has basically no effect on my food intake (it lowers it sometimes, that’s all).

My SO loses no weight when he is active every day. He gains fat when he isn’t. Because he automatically eats just the same in order to avoid strong hunger, activity doesn’t affect his hunger and appetite. Many people have this so it’s a fact and science must find some explanation as it’s clearly not impossible. And why would it be? We don’t go against any law of nature. We just aren’t hungrier when we exercise more. Hunger is complicated, some people are never hungry, not even during an extended fast and that (if the person never stops) results in death way earlier than my tiny calorie deficit… But maybe I just avoid overeating with my exercise too, I tend to eat too much if I don’t do everything right and exercise helps with my energy balance.

I think I overexplained this but I thought I was quite clear the first time and I was wrong.

(Raj Seth) #68

IMHO, a good health span rests on 4 legs - diet, sleep, exercise, stress :

Proper evolutionarily appropriate diet - fat heavy, duration of fasted state > fed state
Proper evolutionarily appropriate sleep - lots of it, respecting circadian rhythm
Proper evolutionarily appropriate exercise - walking, carrying weight, and short intense bursts of activity - as in when we faced / escaped hazards
Proper evolutionarily appropriate stress - not chronic, but in short intense bursts - (see exercise above)

Wait - thats only one leg - proper evolutionarily appropriate behavior.

Evolution has outlasted all life forms on the planet
Evolution WILL make you its bitch if you don’t watch out!

(traci simpson) #69

Great article. Thanks for sharing.


Yes, I am sure this is the right attitude. I see that people tend to be active when they are young and want to show themselves and others how great their body is. Then they get busier, it’s okay that being pretty isn’t so important for most person but it’s about our HEALTH too! People get fatter and fatter, using their comfortable cars instead of their legs, exercise doesn’t even cross their mind. Many people aren’t like this but too many are.
I find exercise even more important as I age, it’s usually easy to be healthy when we are very young but if I want a very, very long healthy life, that requires efforts. (And I never looked good compared to my peers. It will be easier when I will be old and yet, not frail and weak and sick :smiley: It’s not really important for me though, I just want to feel good and I can’t handle pain and sickness well, not much experience with those and I prefer them to stay so. And the most naturally possible muscles as an old woman? That is little to begin with, it would be awful if I wouldn’t even attempt to get close. I really need to start weightlifting again…)

(Todd Allen) #71

People use those carts because they need them for a great variety of reasons. I used to use them in part because I also have an adult onset muscle disease, Kennedy’s disease aka SBMA, defined by a genetic mutation and supposedly progressive like type 2 diabetes. I found the electric carts preferable to being pushed around in a wheel chair by my wife. But in my case I’ve been getting better for several years and no longer need a wheel chair or an electric cart to go shopping. I think eating keto with a focus on high quality animal sourced foods has played a significant role in regaining my health and fitness. I hope you and your husband and his brother all find success in your own efforts to sustain health and fitness.

(Liz Ellen) #72

Thank you, Todd. That’s wonderful that you are seeing improvements! My husband has myotonic dystrophy and was diagnosed a year ago. We’ve been doing keto together since January, and he thinks it helps him. However, he is losing strength rapidly. Last year, he had trouble opening jars for me; now he has trouble getting baggies open or buttoning up a dress for our 5-year-old. He’s still walking fine, though. We went hiking and canoeing on our anniversary and enjoyed being slimmer and having more energy. Really trying to live in the moment and enjoy our health now.

(Heather Meyer) #73

I feel the same too…
I swim 2K at the pool and come home starving and thirsty as heck BUT if i do a 1.5hr weight training session in the gym… im the opposite. I actually lose my appetite for a couple hours and feel almost nausiated…weird how that works

(Scott) #74

Very true and I appreciate that you didn’t scold me and accuse me of being judgmental. Sometimes in forums when I make a general observation it get torchered into absolutes. There are many that use these carts or park in handicapped parking spots that have unseen/unknown medical conditions. This is a valid reason for use and no I don’t go around and make a judgment on each person I see (sorry, this is not my goal in life).

That said we would have to all be blind to not notice that the number of people that abuse handicapped parking has increased. Example:I saw some neighbors that live down the street and they were parked in a handicap spot with a permit card and I thought that’s odd, they walk several miles a day at a fast pace. The electric carts are more complicated. I see some that are in pain due to obesity and because of that need a cart. No doubt there are others that have a failing body for other reasons like MS, parkinson’s etc. Some have brought this (possibly unknowing) on themselves with diet and others it is genetics they have no control over. Either way I feel for them however they arrived at the need for a electric cart. It does make me wonder, years ago we didn’t have these carts. Does this mean people with the need stayed home, suffered through it or do we have an obesity epidemic.