
(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #1

Today is my 1 year Ketoversary. In that time I made lots of progress:

  • I stopped taking my insulin (120 units of Lantus daily)
  • I stopped taking Bydureon (another diabetes medication)
  • Dropped my HbA1c from 7.0 to 5.0
  • Reduced my blood pressure
  • Lost 122 pounds
  • Lost 12 inches around my waist
  • Have much more energy and mobility
  • Met several fantastic Ketonians at Ketofest

In a spirit of giving back I’ve decided to start a blog to help share my story and spread keto goodness across the internet.

Hopefully it will help to inspire someone else.

(Siobhan) #2

Awesome success and happy ketoversary!!! Great news on the blog - the more people that share the news the more liklihood of people seeing it and changing their own lives!

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #3

Thanks. I totally agree. The more sharing the more change, hopefully.


Congrats on making this far!

So you started exactly on the 1st day of the month? Was that planned? How long did you research before you got started?

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #5

I decided to start in October, so I made the 1st of November my official starting day.

I started listening to 2 Keto Dudes in April or May.

(Liz ) #6

Those are amazing results & very inspiring! Thanks for sharing your experience & potentially helping other folks get their health back. Way to go!

(Ellen) #7

That’s great going, and so inspiring! Happy Ketoversary :grinning:

(David M Hahn) #8

I just passed one year also. I am down 100 Lbs no more blood pressure meds, no more asthma meds, and my blood pressure and heart rate are normal. Great stuff and congrats to you.

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #9

Congrats to yourself too! Awesome job! :clap:

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #10



Congrats @jdsomsky and @roosterbrews! Incredible success stories. I’ll look forward to reading your subsequent blog posts, @jdsomsky.

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #12

There’s now a way to subscribe to the blog, plus the second post is up.

(Lesley James) #13

Yay, YOU!!! Congratulations! Amazing, awesome, wonderful, fantastic, incredible progress.

(Mel Soule) #14

John a hearty congratulations. Well done. Your spirit is infectious and helped me through my first Zornfast. My ketoversary is 2/18/18 so I plan to be celebrating along with you.