Ketone level drops post meal

(mike) #21

Here is the key issue, inflammation. It is likely that insulin is the main driver of inflammation. We know that keto and LC lowers insulin and there by inflammation. I agree with Fat-Mike, what does high ldl really mean?

Just because we have been told for decades that high cholesterol is bad does not make it true, only science can do that. However with all of the research I have done, I’ve decided to bet on FAT, ldl be damned! Check out for some great reading on the subject.

Check out ldl particle size too. It is theorized that, large are good and small are bad. Low Carb drives particle size up (large) = good.


Hello Mikpaq, I wanted to with you my recent cholesterol test results and my biggest fear came true. three months of struggling with the Keto diet and my total cholesterol shot from 225 to 305. Below are the details of the results from January 2018 and the previous May 2017.

This is not good, I am really sad and quiet frustrated at this. Why did Keto kick me in the ****.

Observation Date: 01/06/2018







Observation Date: 05/05/2017







(mike) #23

Don’t get frustrated or sad.

  1. How long have you been LC or Ketogenic?

  2. Did you test any inflammatory markers, like C-reactive protein?

  3. Did you fast for your test, if so for how long?


Hello Mikpaq,

  1. I have been struggling with LC / Keto diet since mid October 2017. Initially I struggled to get into Ketosis but all the while I was eating high fat hoping I would get into Ketosis. I guess that’s what messed me up.


  3. Yes, I had fasted for 12-13 hour before the blood draw.

(mike) #25

Can you be more specific?


Well, initially I was trying to measure if I was in ketosis and I was only around 0.4 - 0.5 mmol/L for the entire Oct and November and then I went on Vacation to got kicked out of Ketosis. I started Keto in December with Intermittent Fasting and that’s when felt and measured that I was in Ketosis with the numbers ranging in 1.5mmol/L - 3.2 mmol/L. But I was always eating lots of cheese and heavy cream in October and November.


I was not eating any Carbs or sugar all this while though. Just was consuming lots of cheese, heavy cream and half and half, which I think was the culprit anyways. But then I was only consuming 100 ml of half and half and when I use to measure my ketones, I made sure that I was not too low.

Sorry if I am not clear,let me know I will clarify whatever part.

(mike) #28

Not sure what to tell you. The drop in HDL and increase in trigs is not direction you would expect.

I have read some info that says if you are in fat loss phase it can lead to cholesterol results that are not what you would expect.

(mike) #29

The assumption is all that fat you consumed and stored previously has been liberated and could temporarily lead to elevated levels.


I hope you are right because I did store a LOT of fat by eating fatty food and not being in ketosis and all the workout I did meant nothing because it probably burned all the glycogen and not the fat. Because if it did then my triglycerides would be used up.


But I am going on a non dairy, not red meat, never bacon LCHF diet, hopefully getting my fats from Olive oil, avocados, olives, pecans and such and see if my numbers goes down in a month

Will keep you all updating here.

(Bunny) #31

Quick Analogy:

1 hour of simply walking will burn all the sugar (glycogen) you just ate; an additional hour will start burning the fat on your body as long you don’t eat more sugar for arguments sake, most (total fat actually burned) of which happens the next day after you awake from sleep throughout the day!

You are always in Ketosis to some degree even if you are seeing low to no numbers when you test because of the unpredictable fluctuations!

I like to see low ketone levels always because that means I am burning my own fat, not dietary fats!

(mike) #32

I’m curious, do you consumed artificial sweeteners?

(Bunny) #33

I use Organic Stevia!

(mike) #34

Sorry ASB, meant BadKetoPro.

BKP, do you consume any type of artificial sweeteners?


@mikpaq Yes, I was using Xylitol for a bit but like 2 tsp per day. And then I switched to Erythritol (Lakanto brand). I now only use Erythritol (Anthonys). I have never tested my blood sugar after I consume Erythritol to see if it impacts me. May be I should check.

Why do you ask though? Do you suspect that this could be a culprit?


@atomicspacebunny I somehow how don’t think this works as you say it, at least it did not for me. Because even when I was eating fat, my ketone levels were low and now that I am intermittent fasting, my ketones are high. I am guessing with my intermittent fast for 18-20 hours I am burning my own body fat for energy and if that’s the case then I am see higher ketones instead of low ketones as you mentioned.

Interesting and confusing, not to mention frustrating!

(Bunny) #37

Must be burning your own fat? Be really careful before reaching a conclusion because it can get really complicated how this really works!

Your fasting intermittently? That’s not going to give you your baseline ketone only a fluctuating level of readings that are meaningless in reality! Also keep in mind you are playing with the PH balance of your blood chemistry and higher ketones are very bad!

The longer you fast (non-intermittently) the more you will see high and low fluctuations and more on the low side the longer you fast!

I only test blood ketones every once in a great while just to take a peek because that really is not going to tell me if I am burning fat, glucose readings give me more information about the predictability of burning fat along with lower ketone numbers, but I do not even need to fast anymore or use the glucose meter as a fuel gauge to eat because I have no more fat to burn, just maintenance dietary habits (fully keto adapted).

If I continued to do this (intermittent fasting or hardcore fasting), I would be damaging my body and then this will start looking like a eating disorder!

(mike) #38

Not sure. However the evidence is stacking up negatively. I have been consuming more than normal amounts of diet coke (aspartame) and my weight has started creeping up. Also heard Dr Rhonda Patrick on Joe Rogans podcast say that aspartame impacts gut microbiome in a negative way. Dr Nally recently spoke on his periscope about this too. He’s no longer a fan of aspartame.

My guess is we will find out that all of these artificial sweeteners are negative.

I’m guessing that aspartame hits my insulin. I notice my ketones drop significantly after consuming some, mostly anecdotal. I have never tested to see.

I doubt it is causing your issue, but looking at everything you consume is important.


I somehow have a feeling that the sugar alcohols do affect my insulin as well. Well thanks for all your input, time and help. I will definitely keep you posted and share my progress so that we can learn and help others as well.


Well, my diet includes lots of Keto-approved veggies and I cannot take that out of my diet, honestly I don’t want to, it helps me and I feel good when I eat veggies. Intermittent fasting is the only way that has helped me reach a level where I saw the weigh come off and it also helped me curb the over intake of the fats that I was consuming from dairy.

You are right, intermittent fasting is not a good base line for ketone count but at least I know that its keeping my sugar low. If I don’t eat anything, my insulin does not rise and my normal body functioning energy is acquired from the breaking down of the fats stored in my body. This is what I understood from reading all over. Maybe I am wrong, maybe I need more education on this.

But my intention is reach a point where I am fat adapted and not have to measure my sugar or ketones everyday. I also want to reach a point where I am just doing maintenance and not focused on losing weight anymore.

I just don’t know how to get fat adapted without consuming fats what have high cholesterol so intermittent fasting is the only option that I see.

I know I need help. :frowning: