Keto Temper

(Kim) #1


So been in Keto for a few months - been fairly consistent with tracking progress and glucose (4-6 in uk speak) is normal and ketones hover around 1.5 … I am 88kgs and 66kgs of lean - main aim of keto is to drop body fat, avoid fat storing and all the other benefits …

So I was chatting to a team mate (5 In the team) who said her boyfriend had previously been keto … blah blah blah … and he was often very angry on keto. You know just generally had a shorter fuse, quicker to anger etc.

Which got me thinking “am I angrier on keto”, is my fuse shorter, am I just less tolerant of x/y/z …
I am do contract work and my current contract is leaving me feeling fairly angry most of the time … my wife is hoping it’s the job not the diet. but wondering if anyone else has noticed this?

Some other background, I don’t feel like I am missing out, eat to satiety, run / bike regularly so no other obvious underlying triggers that are poking me with a stick.

Thoughts on a postcard
Keto Kim

(gideon825) #2

Electrolyte imbalance can effect mood, be sure to get enough of the magnesium potassium and sodium

(Duncan Kerridge) #3

If I catch myself getting grouchy I know it’s because I’ve not topped up the potassium for a few days.

(Liz ) #4

Whenever I feel crabby I take milk thistle & it eases right up. Milk thistle helps with liver function. I’m sure I’m releasing a bunch of stored toxins/hormones from my fat as I Keto on & maybe that stresses my liver, I don’t know, just a theory. I just know I get instant relief from that super irritable feeling when I take milk thistle.


Possibly hormone fluctuations, as was mentioned above. Both being released from body fat and from rebalancing in general. Most people, myself included, see the opposite effect after getting past the initial adaptation. Ketones are beneficial to brain function, especially if you have a history of high glucose and/or insulin.

One other possibility is if you are eating waaay too much protein, you could get some elevated ammonia levels that would be bad for the brain.

(Keto in Katy) #6

Regular meditation and exercise can help.

(Tom) #7

When I was first going keto, my girlfriend noted that I was a bit… “shorter” with her than usual. Upon reflection, I believe it has a lot to do with the mental discipline it took to keep me from cheating, especially when she would make a non-keto food and offer me some. At the time, for me to simply say “no, thanks”, immediately redirect my attention, and seem a bit short was far better than letting out the internal screams. Now that I’m well established in keto, she’s gotten a handle on what I’m going to want for food, and now the internal screams only happen when I find that she ate my Halo Top when there’s non-keto friendly ice cream sitting right next to it in the freezer.

Another thought, once I decided to do this, I went into it loaded for bear. Funny thing about diet, but everyone feels like they’re qualified to comment and advise on what someone else is eating, and I was prepared to be assertive about my dietary choices.

(Julie Anderson) #8

I have found that I am calmer and less anxious on keto. I started keto about 6 months before my dad passed away. I was able to get through all the end of life stresses without falling apart. I was able to stay on an even keel and function.

After that, we sold my parents house, and I moved my mother twice in a 6 month period. Once to senor independent living, and then to assisted living when it became clear that her dementia had progressed to a point where it was not safe for her to live alone. Through all this, I was able to keep calm and keto on./

I believe that if I had not been following this WOE during this time, I would have curled up into an anxious ball of nerves and only left my house to go to work. That is not the case. I am happy, focused and engaged in life. I am able to function and deal with my mother’s needs without flipping out and retreating.

Life and its stresses will happen. Perhaps your dissatisfaction/anger with your contract is a message that you need to change to something else, if possible.



(Kim) #9

Thanks for the detailed update, as with most things there are a number of factors all happening at the same time.

It’s not something I would have thought about had it not been a discussion point with that friend!

That being said - I am more aware of electrolytes these days and know I need a new job !