Keto Swimmers Unite!

(Mimi Munro) #21

I’ve found my way to you guys - I’ve just started keto about 3 months ago and I’m loving it so far.
Just in the middle of training for a 10K open water swim so I’m a bit nervous… never done one that distance before, even as a sugar eater so I’m tinkering about with fuel (mct powder) to hopefully get a good combo for race day.

I’m based in Singapore and teach music in a wonderful school with a 25m pool.

Training looks like this

Mon AM - 3500 - 4000m with HVOs
PM - weights

Tues rest

wed AM - aerobic development (100s on 1.50 usually​:confounded::confounded::confounded::confounded:)
PM - Long course 400s

Thursday AM -run
PM weights

Friday AM - anaerobic work
PM - run (or drinks!)

Saturday AM - tech and drills with some blocks of threshold Swimming

Sunday - Long swim 800/600/400/200 x 4 or similar (Long course)

I’m not in a club because I also coach the school team (the 7 year old minnows who are just starting out and they are fabulous! Teaching them starts and turns, how to use the clock and swim the the right way around the lane). In return I get coached, along with the other helpers, by the head coach. Win win!

Love that decent into hell set! I’ll put it in my Programme!

(Ross) #22

HI Mimi!

Welcome to our little burgeoning keto swimming group!

What sort of music do you teach? What pieces of interest will you be performing this semester?

What do you do for your weight lifting program (dry land training)? Are you dong a programs specific to to swimming or a more general weight lifting program?

10 KM is a very long distance! You will however have a real advantage over the competition if you are fully keto adapted. I think you will find that other swimmers will be stopping with their support craft to take “nutritions” (garbage like gels, sports drinks, etc…) every 1.5 K or so, possibly more, You will likely not need to stop at all and will gain several minutes on the competition as a result!

Are you really putting in 8 KM on your sunday swims? WOW!

Do you have a link for the webpage of your 10 KM event? Would love to read about it! We should start a list /thread of open water events that members have either done or are training for.

(Mimi Munro) #23

Hi! Thanks for the welcome!

I’m a violinist and I teach the little ones their very first steps pieces!

I’m working on a piece called Halvorssen Passagalia to perform with my cello teaching colleague - it’s great but full of technique so lots of repetition in my practice - remind you of anything?! :joy:

The race I’m doing is in Langkawi - no wetsuits required in the tropics!

Did their last 5k event and came 3rd - hoping to get on the podium again this time, of course, but will be happy if I manage to do it in 3.45 or thereabouts…

(Mimi Munro) #24

Hi Chris!
I’m from Manchester too! Im living in Singapore these days - but back at Christmas, when I’ll
Eat ALL the pork scratchings.


Hi Mimi, welcome to the group…

Small world - it’s good to find a fellow Mancunian on here!

That 10k swim will be a real achievement, good luck - although with that training schedule I don’t think luck will come into it!

Ps - there’s a pork scratching shortage in Manchester since I went Keto :joy:

(Ross) #26

Ooooo I really like this piece! Not sure I"ve ever heard this before on my two main classical stations Minnesota Public Radio & WIAA out of Interlochen. Thanks for turning me onto it!!!

(Mimi Munro) #27

Have you seen the pork scratchings advent calendar? John Lewis are selling them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I hadn’t but have just had a look :+1:

I think I’ll be picking one up very soon!

(Ross) #29

@Mimi_Munro I have to thank you for the tip about pork scratchings. I had to look up what they were. We call them “pork rinds” in the US but they’re not at all popular and I had never tried them. I did find Epic pork rinds at my local food co-op over the weekend and gave them a shot. OMG I love them! ZERO carbs too!!! I had used nuts as an occasional snack food but wasn’t always comfortable with the additional carbs. These will fill that spot for me now!


(You've tried everything else; why not try bacon?) #30

Pork rinds are hard to find in my neck of the woods (Connecticut). The advantage of their not being popular, however, is that they are reasonably cheap, especially compared to nuts, and being all fat, they are quite filling. I like the Spanish name for them: chicharrones. Just the sound of the word makes me smile!

(Doug) #31

Paul, my employer is headquartered in West Virginia. Would you believe it’s different here? :smile:

(Mimi Munro) #32

They are a source of delight to pub goers up and down the country. Sadly, craft ale is no longer a possibility!
A scratching is different from a rind in that it still has the fat attached. Lush!!!
Interestingly, in Myanmar, Phillipines and Northern Thailand, pork rinds are a hit too.
I think about pork rinds/scratchings a lot

(Ruthanne Robertson) #33

Around here (Kansas City), chicharonnes have the bit of fat attached and pork rinds tend to be just the skin. They are really easy to find and cheaper than potato chips. We use them for dips like spinach artichoke that we get at Costco. My husband has taken to buying pork rinds by the case at Aldi’s.

(Mimi Munro) #34

Breaking news!

I got a place in the Bosphorus crossing swim!

So excited.

And I booked a Swim Trek trip in the Maldives.

So poor!

And I did 80 x 100 on 2:00.

So tired…

(Ross) #35

HI Mimi,
Been out of town for a bit. Can you tell us about Bosphorus? Do you have a link? What’s it about? :slight_smile:

(Mimi Munro) #36

Sure - the company is called Swim Trek. They’re the only company to get places for the race. It’s about £400 to do the race, but that includes 2 nights of accommodation.

The race is on 22nd July - you swim from Asia to Europe!

(Mimi Munro) #37

So I completed my 10k swim! No sugar passed my lips! However I had a massive reaction to a jelly fish sting so had to get blue lighted to hospital and put on a drip. Came second in my category and was presented with the spoils in a hospital bed! Drama. Was looking for 3:45 but after I got stung I swam so slowly just to get round.

My energy levels were great, I never felt hungry. So a win for Keto fuelling, I’d say.

(Ross) #38

WOW that is AWESOME!!! Congrats! You have a great smile by the way!

How often were the other swimmers stopping for sugar from support boats? Did you happen to notice?
Not having to stop and suck down gels and sport drinks mid-swim is SUCH a huge advantage of keto distance swimming!!!

How’s the pain for the jelly fish? I got hit by a man-o-war many years ago and WOW was that ever something!
I think we used ammonia to neutralize it.

I’m jealous you got to swim outdoors! The lakes here are starting to freeze over solid and we’re confined to 25 yard indoor pools. Oh well…good time to focus on stroke correction I guess.

(Mimi Munro) #39

Honestly, it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt! The sting wasn’t so bad but an hour later I was in bits as my spine was in spasms! Keeping moving eased the pains So I just kept at it.

There was only one support boat but I did see loads of people with Heath Robinson gel scenarios: taped to caps and shoved in swim skins! Ha ha!

(Ross) #40

Great job swimming thru the pain! You are a warrior!

Perhaps we should start another thread for race / event results?
Would allow easy access to data that this diet really does work very well for swimming!