Keto since January 5, looking for advice for tweaking things

(Ron) #32

24 hours is a great goal and when you reach it see how you feel. If everything is ok digestive wise and your not feeling any euphoria then push on and try for 36. Don’t push beyond that for the first EF, there isn’t any hurry.
It sound like a great plan, keep us posted.:+1:

(Chris W) #33

i just shake it up I have 4 64 oz bottles I use, no its not a pain I use the same bottle for several days. I am currently working in a 50 degree area and its pretty much solids with in a hour. I just pour more boiling water in and its fine. If I don’t drink enough of the oil sometimes i get the icing over and by the end of the day I have a few chunks. The lemon does seem to help emulsify it though when I shake it up. If I am adventurous I add some carbonated water to it was well but that does seem to make the salt come out more.

(Mandy) #34

So is there a sort of euphoria when you fast for an extended time? :thinking:

(Ron) #35

This might be a little extreme :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but most adapted people that are experienced fast’ers often talk about higher energy levels, mental clarity, calmness, and just feel much better overall during a fast. I am fairly new to fasting but during my 72hr fasts between day 2 and 3 I definitely feel these symptoms to a degree and am hoping they get stronger as I progress.
In the beginning you will at some point get some symptoms like dizziness or mild headache, etc. These are signs to stop. Typically when you do your next fast these symptoms might be a little later, and the next fast a little later and so on. This is what people are referring to as the fasting muscle and it does take time to build up so don’t push yourself.

(Mandy) #36

That makes sense. I need to read up on fasting because I just can’t seem to get past the mindset that fasting won’t hurt my metabolism. I mean, if 1300 calories is too few and slows my metabolism down, why doesn’t fasting?

(Ron) #37

This might be a good place to start. :nerd_face:

(Diane) #38

Here’s Dr. Jason Fung’s take on calorie reduction vs fasting.

(Mandy) #39

Thanks @mtncntrykid.

(Mandy) #40

Thanks @DiMo.

(Mandy) #41

Got my Keto Mojo in yesterday and tested this morning when I woke up without eating or drinking and my blood glucose was 68 and ketones were 1.7. That’s not bad…right?

(Diane) #42

That’s definitely not bad at all!

(Ron) #43

Wish I had those numbers! :drooling_face:

(Mandy) #44

What’s the range for ketones? I think I’ve read somewhere that you’re slightly in Ketosis around .5 and the higher you get, the better. But what’s the top end? 4? 5? 10?

(Mandy) #45


I just found this on one of the other threads, so i thought I’d post it here for future reference. I think 1.7 is pretty good for me.

(Mandy) #46

Fasting glucose was 91 this morning which I thought was high. I’m wondering if it’s because I used the same finger prick I used a few minutes earlier for my ketone test. I have no idea if I should make a new stick for each test or if I can just do it once and use that same finger stick. Does anyone know?

Ketones were .8 because I had some alcohol and half a piece of cake Saturday night, and i had a few extra carbs (about 30-40 net) last night because i had some halo ice cream and Keto peanut butter chocolate treats that were higher in carbs than i expected. So I Did an experiment and drank a scoop in Instaketones and tested ketones 30 minutes later. My ketones raised to 1.3 and I had a kind of surge of energy (even before I had my morning coffee or any food) so I went out and mowed and weed-eated my yard…which is huge. Anyway, that answers my question about Instaketones working.

(Mandy) #47

I’ve been on higher calories for 20 days now. I’ve stayed around the same weight and I’m pleased with that. I’m thinking about doing my first extended fast after a couple of days of really upping my fats so my cals will be around 1900-2100. I think I’ll try to find the fasting board or section I remember seeing someone mention and look at a few posts there. The key is to keep your body guessing right?

(Mandy) #48

I am so frustrated!!! I tested my ketones today after working my butt off outside and my ketones are .1! My diet is great, my cals and micros are good. I am on the verge of going crazy. I just don’t get it. I’ve been intermittent fasting, but to change things up a bit, I had a morning coffee with heavy cream and collagen this morning instead of waiting until noon. At around 1, I had a couple of scrambled eggs in butter with some cheddar cheese. Worked outside shoveling and raking gravel to fix my driveway. Came in, showered, and thought I’d check my ketones just to see what they were. Freaking .1! :rage:

(Ron) #49

Ketones are a byproduct of fat burning. Sounds like your body is utilizing your fats for fuel efficiently and not producing excess ketones. That’s a good thing.:+1:

(LeeAnn Brooks) #50

What are you testing with? And how long have you been doing Keto? Could be just fat adapted and body using ketones rather than wasting?

(Mandy) #51

Really? I thought the higher my ketone levels are, the more fat I’m using as energy. Am I looking at this wrong?