KETO rash

(De Anna) #10

Im at the tail end of this third rash as its started to go away from the infrared light bulb treatments. Today i switched to a high quality tea tree oil mixed in with Aloe Vera as a carrier. I havent seen any improvement today. Im going back to the infrared light treatment.

BTW, someone told me you can buy infrared bulbs at Home Depot.

(Marshelle) #11

It returned in my case also but less severe and the soap dried it up again. I was too afraid to increase the carbs so I stayed the course.

(Mike Glasbrener) #12

I also had/have Leto rash. It’s been about 6 weeks for me. It started in the small of my back and was really annoying. It progressed around the side of my abdomin and continued to the inside of my thighs where it is currently. It’s not nearly as itchy as it was in the beginning… it never reinfected cleared up areas. It’s kind of like a ring worm infection I got as a kid. So the proposition that is may be fungal makes sense. Thus I’ll try the tea tree soap and see if it helps. It’s no where near as bad as when it started.

(Marshelle) #13

I hope it works for you. I have fallen in love with the soap and just replenished my supply. I use it on the days that I am super sweaty.

(David Karlsson) #14

I got a rash on my chest/back about a week into ketosis which got worse over the following week. I got recommended hydrocortisone salve which has significantly reduced the rash over the following 5 days using it (on day 6 when typing this). Should mention I also used active coconut charcoal and chlorella supplements during the same time so I cannot be sure if the salve is the only thing that helped. I did not change anything else in the diet (like adding extra carbs)

I do not know if hydrocortisone is safe to use for everyone (not very educated on subject) so I would recommend looking that up first.

If this is just a outwards cure I cannot be sure of but once it fully gone I will stop using the salve and see if the rash reappear and get back here for the results!

When I read about the keto rash, there seemed to be very varying results for different medications, but I hope this can help someone out there.

(Mike Glasbrener) #15

I’ve had Keto rash for months now. It progressed from the small of my back around to my abdomin and upper thighs. I also have been dealing with a knee/quad injury. Anyhow, I had arthroscopic surgery on my knee a week ago and noticed a few days ago my Keto rash is almost gone! They gave me IV antibiotics during the surgery which I suspect is the cause of my Keto rash going away. I’ll find out what IV antibiotics I was given and share here. Of course my n=1 sample size is by no means statistical nor is it easy to ascertain cause affect. It’s just one more data point.

(David Karlsson) #16

Hi, I wrote a while ago about getting my rash away. Not too long after I wrote, the improvements from hydrocortisol was not longer working and the rash came back (this time with itching).

Not too long after, I came across the book Deep nutrition (very inspiring book) and I started adding more healthy vegetables to the food and lowering protein and at that point the rashes slowly started to fade and today (2 weeks later) they are barely visible. I had great readings on ketostix the whole time (I know these can be inaccurate)

If the carbs in the vegetables was the thing helping the rash go away or if I had other deficiencies from basicly only fat/protein without any nutrients I don’t know. What I do know, is that the dishes now are alot more delicious!
(Steamed broccoli with salt and melted butter is heaven :slight_smile: )

I should add that I’m 25 years old with what I consider a healthy metabolism so getting into ketotis has never been an issue for me so I know that this most likely will be different from how it will affect you.

I know how annoying the rashes can be and I sincerely hope you find something that works for you


I have had a “rash” in skin folds which I seem to get when eating SAD so it is not new. I do not get it when eating moderate carbs without any wheat or other white flours (I do eat beans without a problem).

Have been doing Keto since April and started getting the regular rash in the usual skinfolds. A product I got at CVS seems to help called Yeast Gard (made for female specific rash but I do not use if for that although I am female) plus anti fungal foot powder.

I will try the tea tree soap. One caution, preteenage boys should not use tea tree oil or should use it with caution

(Kitty) #18

I have Keto Rash and was going to try tea tree oil on it. Do you know how diluted I need to make it? I’ve heard not to use the pure oil but to dilute it. Do you have any idea on dilution ratios?

(Lynne Hurley Perry) #19

I love tea tree oil soap! I use Dr. Bronners. I think as long as it has the actual oil in it you are good.

(Stephanie Boland) #20

Good morning :slight_smile: My rash tends to move around to the same places, my eyes nose ears, top of my right hand, same spots on my legs and back of my neck. My Dr prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream USP0.1% I believe it is a steroid cream, but it takes the itch away immediately and clears it up within 2 days. Just takes a tiny bit.

(Jeanne Wagner) #21

Oooh yes Oregano Oil. I get Young Living Essential Oils. I’ll have to add it to my next order. Yay.

(Stacy Blanchard) #22

I read fish oil supplements are supposed to help. My daughter has the rash and nothing seems to help. I got the fish oil, next I’m going to Trader Joe’s; I’m hoping between the two it will clear up. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by it and it is hidden by clothes but it would be nice to get rid of it all together.

(De Anna) #23

Megan Ramos said on a podcast that the rash is a fungus, and that a diluted solution of apple cider vinegar applied to the rash should help. Also, slightly increasing carb consumption with 1 cup of berries per day could help. I am delighted to say that I have had a cup of berries nearly every day and have not had the rash appear at all since my last post. I am particularly happy eating berries! LOL!

**sdepp**, a lean petite female doing keto for non-weight issues/optimal-health.. HELP PLEASE!
(Stacy Blanchard) #24

Good to know. I would love to clear it up through diet.

(Frances Reyna) #25

How do you do the tea tree oil solution and apple cider vinegar? Pls help me. I got itchy red bumps on my face and behind my left ear.


Just my n=1 here, I had pretty bad rashes when I started keto 2 months ago and it flared up 3-4 times afterwards. It is under control now, the things I found are triggering for me:
fish, especially with skin; processed meats such as bacon; cocoa and chocolate and all that…

Things helped:
higher amounts of green veggies; berries as @DeAnna said; just in general “clean” carbs.

I know how painful this can be, hope everyone with keto rash find their way out and stay in ketosis! :stuck_out_tongue:

(Rafe) #27

I get the keto rash on my forehead when I do heavy excersises while fasted. I am not sure if it is fungal or just irritation, but I know my sweat changes when fasting (smell and feel). I assume it is higher in acetone (same as my breathe in heavy ketosis). I can usually manage the rash through an oatmeal lotion after getting out of the sauna.

(Consensus is Politics) #28

That looks just like a contact dermatitis. I’ve gotten that from things like pets that have rummaged through the weeds, to rummaging through the weeds my self.

I currently get that from my dog anytime we rough house. Anytime he rubs up against my arms within minutes I’m super itchy. Feels just like fiberglass on the skin.

As far as I know I’ve skipped Keto rash completely. Looks awfully uncomfortable, my condolences.

Have you tried T-Gel shampoo on it? It contains coal tar. I use it on my contact dermatitis from the dog and it’s near instant relief.

(Fernando Urias) #29

Minute 23:30 has the apple cider vinegar and berries protocol.