Keto meal prep is so freakin' easy

(eat more) #1

anyone else notice/experience that keto meal prep is no big deal?

dog tired after working all day…go into the kitchen thinking “aaw man…i don’t want to cook. i’ll just grab some chicken and avocado”
next thing i know i’m chopping and sautéing mushrooms, grating cheese, and shredding chicken.
then the next thing i know i’m having cheesy mushroom chicken “fajitas” and avocado

how the eff did that happen? :joy:

i mean im glad it happened because it was way better than cold chicken and avocado but was i possessed by some keto robot chef?

happened last night too…getting close to bedtime and all of a sudden i’m in the kitchen making hard boiled eggs and egg salad to take to work today.

i’m not complaining…i’m thrilled as previously i’d be lazy and just eat chips for dinner :joy:

sooooo easy


(Jaidann) #2

I agree! I’ve also found that I am much happier not “dressing” up food a lot any more which makes things a lot quicker.