Keto fueled power lifters or strength athletes

(corey Southwell) #1

Hi I’m looking for some suggestions and advice from any keto fueled power lifters or strength athletes after recently losing a lot of strength and over 10kg in weight due to illness its time to rebuild.
Could anyone suggest a good program to regain some size and basically start from scratch

(Evan) #2

I have always followed the weight training plans from Kris Gethin. They are very intense and well thought out. I would just stick with your keto and ignore the nutrition plans that he recommends.


As far as I know, Danny Vega, who co-hosts the Ketogenic Athlete with Brian Williamson, is a possible source of information, as well as the podcast in general.

(Craig D) #4

First Post - Hopefully this passes all the community guidelines

I recommend listening to Mark Bell’s Powercast. It is both a podcast and a YouTube channel. Disclaimer - It occasionally contains sophomoric humor, poop stories and colorful language. However, it is a venerable cornucopia of knowledge in the areas iron sports with a focus on power lifting. Mark Bell is keto through and through and often talks about it on his podcast. He also has a keto series on YouTube.

As for lifting programs I recommend novice lifters (the vast population is still in the novice stage) start with Mark Rippetoe’s “Starting Strength.” The program is a linear progression that WORKS. The only thing that a keto person would disregard is his diet advice which is geared towards people who want to gain more weight to lift more weight.

(Cocker) #5

I tend to revert to StrongLifts 5x5 when I want to work on my overall strength…after a break I just start with an open bar and slowly work my way up again. It’s not really geared for super hypertrophy, if that’s your goal, but it’s simple and does the job.

(Jennifer) #6

I listened to one of their podcasts yesterday with Dr Jacob Wilson. It was really good.

(Jason Cordier) #7

Lee Labrada’‘s program on is great. I always used it when coming out of an injury or when I got super busy at work.Now I am using it on Keto, Perfect balance of resistance and burn. I measure my heart rate, Ketones and glucose influence of my workouts. As far as structured resistance training goes, this keeps the heart lower, glucose lower, ketones higher, and I don’t feel exhausted even when I have work really hard. Kris’ is great, but I find glucose gets up, and I start feeling not so good overall on Keto or when working out fasted, extended or even IF. me personally, I have found if I keep my hear rate below 140 for anything I do, I can go on forever, and feel amazing. Just coming up to 78 hours fasted, and using the rule of 180 bpm minus your age, I have run every day, 7.5 km, 19 km, and 7.5 km, and lifted each day feeling amazing! on all days I felt like I could have double the distance, but tie did not permit.


I am doing RPT (reverse pyramid training) I am seeing excellent results. A mix of low 5-6 reps to mid-high 8-12 reps

Set 1. Select weight to fail on 5 - 6 reps
Set 2. Select lighter weight to fail 6 - 8 reps
Set 3 select lighter weight again to fail 8-12 reps.

Use this as a Base for all your exercises and you can’t go wrong. You will get stronger and cause hypertrophy to gain muscle.

Good luck

(Siim Land) #10

I’ve been doing keto for 3 years and have gained about 16 pounds of muscle without ever deliberately “bulking”. It’s just a matter of training hard and staying consistent with your diet.

What are the conditions for building muscle? There are 4 of them

  1. Adequate training stimulus - progressive overload through resistance training
  2. Protein synthesis - eat enough protein and amino acids
  3. Excess calories - consume more food but in some cases your own body fat suffices
  4. Hormonal output - testosterone and growth hormone are the most important ones for this

The main variable is getting stronger and stimulating muscle hypertrophy.
You have to enter the gym stronger than you were before and then trigger an adequate response. Afterwards you consume some food and sleep well. Rinse and repeat.

I’ve also made a video on my YouTube channel explaining these concepts. Check it out!
