Keto for Mental Health with Dr. Georgia Ede

(Nathanael Schulte) #1

Thanks for this episode @CarrieBrown and @carl. Dr. Ede is obviously incredibly kind, empathetic and knowledgeable. I’m one of those who went keto for mental health, starting in July 2016. I also got my 23andme report for this past Christmas, and now know for sure I have an MTHFR mutation, in addition to a couple others.
It got me thinking about a new theory on western health. Both Dr. Ede and Dr. Ben Lynch (author of Dirty Genes) have mentioned that the folic acid that the FDA requires be added to all bread, etc. can eventually build up and cause for worse issues - more severe folate deficiency, cancer, etc - and it sounds like the 1/3 or so of the population that has an MTHFR mutation is even more susceptible than the general population.
I’ve also heard from many sources now that when you go some place like Italy and eat the white flour pasta, bread, etc, many people aren’t affected in a negative way.
Do you think it’s possible that folic acid alone could account for why some people can eat bread and pasta in Italy and have no issues, but have horrible issues when they eat bread and pasta in the US?

(Carrie Brown) #2

I don’t think it’s folic acid alone - but I am 110% certain it’s part of it. I FOR SURE know a ton of people who’s health changed dramatically after they moved from the UK to the US, and I personally know a lot of people - including me - who cannot eat wheat products in the US but have no problems when in the UK and Europe. So it’s A Thing.