Keto Flu-Experiences? Potassium?

(Kristen) #1

I have done ketogenic several times before and decided to start up again after a particularly sugary spring break. I have never experienced “keto flu” until this time. On day 3, I consumed several giant potent green teas and several waters. I then went to crossfit and drank even more water, then went home and took an epsom salt bath. I had been so flushed out that the next day I experienced the worst dehydration of my life. It felt like an extreme hangover, but with horrible brain fog, delusions, and like nothing I have ever felt on ketogenic diet. I know I am consuming plenty of salt, but am struggling to get potassium. I had some avocado, but am so sick of spinach I can’t even look at it. That day I resorted to zero calorie sports drink. How have you been able to avoid this and get enough potassium? (I know my liquid consumption was too high.) But how can I maintain balance?

(Bacon for the Win) #2

the Morton Lite Salt has both sodium and potassium. Search for the keto-ade recipe on the forum. I typically have a couple of these each day and it has helped.

I found it for you: KetoAide homemade

(Kristen) #3

Thank you! I will try this.


from a food perspective, foods like fish, seafood, nuts, cheese, yogurt also have pretty substantial quantities of potassium.

You are in the first days of the journey, so the body is flushing out glycogen and water, so there will be a period of adjustment until you get to the new normal. You are doing the right thing staying on top of drinking water and keeping electrolytes up, as well as Epsom salt baths. Stay in touch and keep us informed of your journey. We want to be here to answer your questions and see you succeed. You got this!

(Kristen) #5

Thank you!

(Andrea) #6

This happens when you are still not getting energy from ketones.
You can hydrate and get potassium tilll you are blue in the face but it won’t make it better.
What you really need is to bring down the insulin and the bast way to do that is by stop eating altogether.
Couple of days of 20+ hours fasting will set you back on track :slight_smile:

(KB Keto) #7

So here I am today, sitting at my desk after exactly 1 week on Keto, an early morning workout, and the my ketones at the highest yet (2.1) and I’m starting to get foggy. It’s a weird feeling and considering how great I’ve felt on the diet the past week surprised me… but I guess it was inevitable. I’m not hungry but am debating eating a Quest Keto meal in hopes it will help.


(KetoCowboy) #8

FWIW, just yesterday I watched this video about getting potassium from “Ketorade”:

She advocates a particular potassium supplement that I know nothing about. Instead, I ordered a blend of sea salt and potassium called “Salt for Life.”

(Andrea) #9

How do you measure ketones? …urine or blood???

split this topic #10

A post was split to a new topic: Testing ketones

(KB Keto) #11

Blood. Daily. I also post my results (almost daily in N=1)