Keto Complaint Department



(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #22

Yes @Fiorella


If that’s a fart, I don’t fart anymore.


(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #23

Which brings me to complaint number 264.




Now, on that point I don’t agree…me on a carb diet can clear a room faster than someone yelling “fire, evacuate the building!!”


Toothpaste. I don’t use as much toothpaste any more. I no longer wake up feeling like the poo fairy visited me during the night and took a dump in my mouth without permission. Bye bye furry teeth and demon breath.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #26

That’s what I miss. Using it as a weapon. Lol!!!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #27

Yes. And I have


at my dental checkups.


I miss all that painful time consuming scraping by the dental hygienist


OK, when you say it like that, then I definitely agree. :grin:

(Alex Dipego) #29

Im so bored of beef ribs and bacon…

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #30


Look at these fatty ribeyes. HIDEOUS



In the old days when we ate high carb, low fat foods…

(David) #32

I’ve been sleeping all night, but not in the day like I used to! I’m heading to the doc’s to get some pills for that maybe (not)!

(eat more) #33

my kitchen pipes just broke while i was finishing up washing the dishes before bed…after fighting ants and i didn’t throw a fit
i may have said "wtf?"and “seriously?” but i just cleaned it up and carried on

i miss throwing tantrums and getting myself all worked into a tizzy right before bed…

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #34

This is awesome. My temperament is 100x’s better as well :heart:


(eat more) #35

i’m also so bummed that my skin is so amazing …pfft

AND so sucky that i can fast instead of having dishes to wash if it strikes my fancy

(eat more) #36

and wth?
i’m only going to get 6 hours of sleep before work and am going to have plenty of energy and be totally fine with that…super suck :joy:

(Wenchie) #37

I never noticed the farting bit… that true though… well thats a bit of a letdown but hey!

@Brenda this steaks look soooo good!

I miss feeling drained and exhausted after meals… how am I supposed to justify my naps now, that I don’t need anymore.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #38

ME too. And I am not exaggerating, I get complimented almost daily on my skin. WTF? Why don’t people stop being so nice??!!
It’s making my life HELL

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #39

Good point. And that reminds me, I don’t get winded going up a steep flight of stairs, matter of fact…


…and do not get out of breath. At all. What kind of SHIT is that?!?

(Jennifer) #40

This. I actually miss needing naps. I have tried to nap and end up cleaning instead. WTH?