I have seen a few pictures of you on this site and I always think you look radiantly happy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Keto birthday cake success!
Thank you, I am a pretty happy gal. My hubby and I went to dinner last night and I really wanted ribs. Then I looked up carbs and didnt want to get them. He talked me into it and I could only eat half before I got full anyway! Keto is simply amazing!
It is life changing. As has been said on other threads, it would be so good to “save” everyone we care about!
I have seen your husband looking happy too, and for good reason😊
I know the feeling. I have had about 20 people crawl out of the woodwork wanting my secret to weight loss. I tell them and they try it for a month then quit, say it’s too hard and never start, or ask if I take diet pills or supplements. No one can believe it is just a healthier diet!
I wish I could get them to try it for a month! I truly believe I have saved a couple of people though.
I’m starting to try to avoid using the word “diet” as it has negative connotations. I know “diet” just refers to a way of eating, but many people mentally link “diet” with calorie restriction and other things that are very limiting (not that cutting carbs is limiting in its own way).