Just starting Carnivore - suddenly feeling repulsed by meat / or even perhaps all food



(Elizabeth ) #41

If you’re eating a pound of fatty meat plus enough added fat to bring you into the 2000 calorie and above above range you’ll be fine. I personally didn’t start losing weight until I increased to almost 3 lb a day of meat.


Like the little train going up the hill? “I think I carn, I think I carn, I think I carn…”


Uh oh, I think we scared her off again… dangit. I was getting used to having her back around.

(hottie turned hag) #44

I’m weak af :grin:

JimmyFungus.com: Did Anonymous Foil Karl Rove's Plan to ...


Wandering over from the Judgement and Disappointment thread. Oh look a scab. Let’s pick at that.

Bob are you OK? What generated the comment? No, I mean, what really generated it?

I can agree with you to a point. Remember the old observation, now a truism, of how can you tell if someone is vegan? … Don’t worry they will tell you. I can definitely get that vibe with people caught up in the first flush of success in their own carnivore experiment. Generally we leave them to it. But you stomped on the hornets nest. I wonder why?

I also observe the personalities that switch from vegan eating to carnivore without any transition can be the most fervent. But I find @barefootbob an exception in that assumption I just presented as an observation. To me it is more evidence that vegan and nutritional ketonians are more alike than we like to think.

It’s like Game of Thrones, if you know it? Winter and the white walkers are the SAD diet whereas ketonians, vegans, carnivores, paleo, vegetarians, and the guy that eats potatoes, and that other guy that eats bananas are the feuding civil society caught up in a distraction.

The harvesting of tall poppies and notch taking down of people too loud, dare I say obnoxious, in trumpeting their success, or maybe just their differing opinion, is sometimes counted as the regulatory feedback loop in a truly egalitarian society.

(Susan) #46

She is an awesome cheerleader on my accountability thread and has been since I started it in June, so I hope that she won’t disappear again =).


Actually, I wasn’t the person he was responding to in that post. It seems that he took offense to someone else’s post (which actually didn’t seem offensive) and put us all on blast. My best guess is that he has run across some really nasty carnivores. Well, so have I on facebook but not here. I’ve also run across nasty vegans, nasty keto-ers, nasty SAD people, nasty HAM radio folks, nasty banjo players, and so and so on. That was no excuse for me to paint any of those groups of people with the same brush. I responded because I thought he was way out of line.
Yep, I’m cool. Thanks for asking!

I’m not preachy, in large part because I’m just not that kind of person but also because I used to be a vegan (been a few years, though) so I know what it’s like to think you’re doing something right while being absolutely wrong.
Oh yeah, I didn’t go directly from vegan to carnivore or even vegan straight to keto. I quit veganism and went back to the “healthy whole wheat” low fat, low salt, blah blah to try to fix what I blame veganism for causing. Every since then it’s been a progression to find the right thing for me.


In retrospect both Bobs. Are you OK?

Cheeses Crepes, my fumble for not also checking in with you. Please I beg pardon.

Thanks for fleshing out the story @barefootbob. I had just recently listened to a podcast on the Peak Human channel where a YouTube influencer vegan had swapped to carnivore, but seemed mainly to be courting publicity to maintain the prominence in that highly competitive social media influencer world (you know, where the Kardashians are the T-Rexes). My assumption was totes inaccurate. As even that vegan turned carnivore went through a time in the wilderness (and some ancestral health conferences) before re-presenting as a carnivore. It has the Madonna David Bowie pop cultural chameleon modus operandi sniff about it.

There is something underlying these potentially caustic responses that get mis-read or highlighted. I’m trying to think of the psychiatrist who talked about it in a keto podcast. It was on the subject of anxiety and depression. The take home message was Anger is a symptom of malnutrition. That idea is fascinating.

(Rebecca ) #49

He didn’t say that, he said “Several famous people have recovered from some serious problems with Carnivore”


Get a food thermos to keep your food warm at work! Maybe start with a soup with a little meat? I find it easy to get enough salt and minerals when eating soup made from bone broth and other broths. You can make a taco soup with ground meat and taco spices, and add any keto friendly taco toppings you like.
Good luck! I hope work gets less stressful for you soon!


What is this acronym? In my world it stands for Polycystic Kidney Disease. It’s a disease of sheep and some breeds of cat.

My best guess at time of writing is Paleo Ketogenic Diet, like prescribed by Paleo Medicina (somewhere in Europe. Could it be Hungary?)


Then I must be eating right, at least for me personally, because I’m so much more chill now than I was as a vegan or vegetarian.

(hottie turned hag) #53

And humans


Carnivore is a safe lifestyle.
People who try to show reasons why it is not safe and all just haven’t been doing research at all. Carnivores know…they go off and research the heck out of their eating plan. They know the websites. They know the long term veterans eating this way. They know the science behind all of it. They know thru years of experience of eating this way.
They know the wonderful results keep on coming. Carnivore for over 2 years now and about 2 years of extreme low carb before that.

Things like Carnivores might make low vitamin C and you need more and other misnomers. Thing is you don’t need more. Your body will heal and correct and the amt of vitamin C it processes thru the meals of fresh meat is all your body requires. Some Carns supplement tho….that is a personal choice. But the body doesn’t need more than it can produce unless you have a physical situation in that dept. that might change it. again very personal situation but in general no supps are required.

The little bits of assumptions out there, the snippets of scare info and more posted by others is that they micro fixate on it. Never once going off and finding the truth about the plan. Once you put in the effort to understand it, then you can come back and make and post some great insights and great questions regarding it.

Nothing worse than having to babysit a person trying to go into a carnivore conversation without them giving any of their time to finding out any little bit of information on it themselves from the internet. Sure new carnivores need direction and we can easily point them in the right direction. Like, go on the internet and read all about Charlene Anderson. 20 yr vet of this and tons of info. Do this little thing for yourself. Done…after reading come back and chat up :slight_smile:

It is also nice that some doesn’t come into the carnivore thread with a chip on their shoulder to not accept it already…come here open minded and learn. It is not up to me to ‘convince’ you :slight_smile: It is up to me as more experienced to help someone thru the journey if they truly believe some science behind it and want to venture into carnivore and have a little knowledge about it.

now those are my personal thoughts here LOL
just some stuff the way I see it.

So agree Bob in that I am way more chill. I now walk away from most as before I could take down forum nasty people. With the clarity of thinking one obtains in carnivore eating, one realizes time wasted on individuals like this is time wasted from my entire life, why bother? :slight_smile:

In general, also why come into someone’s home and walk thru that door and say, gosh your home is messy. Your home smells. Your home has a blue couch, and I hate blue. Your home is too small and more. So why entire into a carnivore thread and act like you have no tact, manners, or smarts or common courtesy?

You come into a carnivore thread you best be ready for carnivore answers.


It stands for Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet as opposed to the ZC or zero carb variation.


Actually, there are some warnings out there that supplementing, especially in the beginning, can actually hamper the bodies ability to heal and self regulate. As always, it helps to research but it also helps to do n=1. Probably most importantly, because of the very nature of the diet it’s also, IMO, extremely important to listen to the folks who’ve done this for years. It’s a fascinating way of life, because just like keto, it changes how you look at food and your relationship to it just to a much deeper level.

(Elizabeth ) #57

Best answer :grin: I’m also nearly two years carnivore coming from 2 years of very strict keto before that :slight_smile: I try it to point people to www.justmeat.co and www.zerocarbhealth.com at first.


absolutely. supplementing is not on a carnivore plan. I say some do supp because they can’t walk away from it. You know those who feel they know the insides and microscope working of the body and think the know what they need LOL I dropped all supps the minute I started carnivore cause the veterans said to do that. I have been perfect ever since :slight_smile:


True but we must take into account the psychological aspect.
Going carn runs counter to EVERYTHING we’ve been told since childhood. Perhaps the psychological crutch of supplementing C in the very beginning can be useful in that regard. I think that yes, it could delay the healing process but might help with the initial freakout phase of “Oh my God what am I doing???” :smile:

In one of my earlier carnivore experiments I supplemented C mostly for this reason. I’m not now because I know I don’t need it.