Just got into an argument about keto

(John) #47

Me neither. I had lost a bunch of weight about 10 years ago eating a pretty healthy balanced diet, but I thought I had it managed and could eat “just a few” halloween candies, which merged into Thanksgiving and Christmas and back to bad habits.

Some can manage moderation, some need total abstention. I need total abstention. I don’t even use artificial sweeteners. I have chosen to accept that limitation of my life.

(Karim Wassef) #48

I actually agree about moderation… so let’s define that.

A healthy body is made of protein, fat and carbs… the carbs are glycogen stores and about 5% … so moderation is eating 5% carbs.

50% carbs would be a gross imbalance and 10% would be 2x the natural balance of moderation.

So agree… then explain.


I must say after reading all this i feel very fortunate. At my work, there are 8 of us doing keto, we weren’t even that close but keto brought us together. We share food, ideas and support. Although, i do notice eye rolls from others but don’t much care. I think they get sick of us talking about it. I am the only one IF and EF, no one seems too interested in it but I still don’t have to justify it. All together we have lost over 400lbs.

In our personal life its almost the same, we have keto all around us. Watching everyone’s successes is so inspiring snd we never have to explain why we can’t eat this or that. Went out for dinner last night with another keto couple, they ate keto food and drank vodka soda and Im fasting so was just water for me. Lucky for them cause i could drive then and no questions about why.
Anyway, thought i would share.


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I think the Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) is an excellent tool.

(Karim Wassef) #53

totally agree. there is no better indicator I’ve found for fat loss

(Keto butts drive me nuts) #54

I think some people just like to argue. My family doesn’t agree with what I am doing, but I also know that they are not informed completely with this woe. There are so many people still clinging to the lies spread by the people that dont want keto to succeed. So I would never try and restrict carbs from anyone wanting them. We all have a choice to do what we feel is right.

A story of keto WoE and medical establishment mistrust
(traci simpson) #55

I know! And they are the over weight too!

(Kirk Wolak) #56

She is missing the point. The purpose of the fat is to control hunger, and NOT trigger insulin.
Second, who says it cannot be a WOL? Her, because you couldn’t PAY ME to give this up.

Third, forget google. She needs to read the Obesity Code. And she BETTER change her relationship to food. Because right now, she is practicing Serial Monogamy with diets. She will shift from one to the next, and never get anywhere. Sometimes WE ARE the problem. I think SHE IS HER PROBLEM. Not the food. She is feeding her desire, and WANTS certain food.

Have her fast for 7 days and see if she would like some fatty bacon then! LOL…

BTW, my friend and I start people off with “Do you like Bacon?”. How much do you think you could eat before you get full? What if you ate it once a day? Bacon and Avocados… Fat fasting until they can do IF… (Worked every time, except the one time the person can’t eat more than 2 pieces of bacon because of all the fat. That’s why we ask up front, now)

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #57

Oh, I don’t know about that. Clothing size seems to work just as well. :grin::bacon:

(Karim Wassef) #58

I need higher resolution data… :slight_smile:


You guys were spot on. She ended up texting me the other day saying she felt like crying because she can’t seem to stick to her diet or stay motivated.

At that point I really didn’t care as much as I used to, since she took out her frustration on me weeks ago.

(Karim Wassef) #60

I think caloric restriction with carbs makes for a painful emotional roller coaster and people usually blame themselves for being “losers”…

In fact, I think the even-keel mood and calmness I got with keto has been incredibly useful, not just in food but in all aspects.

The carbs are a drug… and you can’t fault the addict for their joy in the drug. It’s deeply chemical.

Unfortunately as with most addiction with adults, all you can do is share what you know and comfort/support their transition if they choose to take it.

The bad part is that carb addicts don’t recognize it as an addiction. That’s the first step - admit that you have a problem and the root of that problem is a substance that you can choose to remove from your life.

The overeating, the weight gain… those are symptoms. The real damage is the deterioration of the internal organs, nerves and blood vessels. If the conversation is about symptoms, then it’s wasted.

The addiction and the resulting disease are the real root of the problem. The weight is a symptom and not the issue.

It’s hard to help when you’ve been hurt, but that’s part of dealing with an addict. I say try again and don’t talk about weight… at all. Talk about the real problem…

Pain causes a need to escape and be numb
Addiction temporarily dulls that pain
Disease comes from addiction
Disease causes pain, shortened life and weight gain as a peripheral symptom

(hottie turned hag) #61

HA so this!
I’m very out of touch with pop culture, am reclusive, engage in no social media, don’t watch the news etc. When I started keto I had no CLUE it was a new trend, nor fasting. I just did it through experimental trial and error.
When I mentioned it to two of my kids they were the ones who told me it was “keto” (I have a degree in a med sci field so was familiar with the ketogenic diet for epileptics but didn’t think of what I was doing as that) and that it was now “a thing” as was fasting.

As to the arguing, I have been struggling with one of my kids aged 19 about dropping carbs as she is getting a tad hefty (5’1" and 151 lbs). She is a full time student at Purdue and works 30h/wk and her argument was " it’s too inconvenient for how busy I am" :astonished:
She has seen my dramatic results; but refuses to implement it for herself.
It is indeed very frustrating to watch this. And to counter such silly arguments.

(Karim Wassef) #62

I got mine to admit it’s an addiction. That’s the first step.

As far as the time goes - “not eating something saves time”… “eating once a day saves time”…

Hard to argue without accepting the addiction component.

(traci simpson) #63

My sister and I eat totally different. She counts calories and I count carbs. She said point blank, she needs carbs in her life and she has been very successful, along with working out over the years she’s lost almost 100 pounds within around 10-15 years. She sets small goals, “I’m trying to loss 5 pounds a month and when I reach that goal I can eat again” so, why set weight loss goals if after you reach them you go back to your same way?
BTW, she is the one who always tells me “everything in moderation” which I TOTALLY disagree with because IMO, its all irrelevant and means different things for different people.
Anyway, the point is in order to not argue, I don’t discuss my diet with her, I just let her talk about hers.

(Karim Wassef) #64

To be fair, if you can’t talk about your way of eating, the. She shouldn’t either? Talk about a third thing… ?

(traci simpson) #65

Well she gets upset when you don’t listen or acknowledge her.

(Kirk Wolak) #66

Try finding terms she can understand, and offer to help her out.
We make 3lbs of bacon at a time. But BJs here sells pre-cooked bacon (36 pieces) for like $14.00
No brainer. Hot dogs. Easy. Kielbasa, if you can get a clean kind. Easy.

Why have her do it? It is NOT the weight… It should be the advantages:

  • No Hangry

  • Longer time without having to eat

  • Food you can eat cold or warm (hot dog, Salami, Pepperoni)

  • Less risk of T2D, heart disease, etc. etc.

    What I learned from FASTING was amazing. At one point, I was eating 1 meal, on MWF.
    That was it. 3 meals a week. Life was EASY, and mostly NOT about food. I also learned how
    little food we really need.

    But the amazing thing was I was overdue for my meal, and offered a sub-par choice (imagine it was McDonalds…)… Why… When I get only 3 meals in a single week, would I eat that crap? That was literally what I said. I found a place, some drive away, offering Prime Rib! There was no way I was wasting 33% of my weekly food on crap food.

    In that moment, I realized: We value Scarcity. Excess diminishes things. Too much food, means we eat more like pigs, and are less discerning. WOW… It was an eye opener.

    Yes, what she is doing is convenient. That’s the HOOK that makes you addicted for 30 years while they bleed you with medical bills, and being out of shape, etc. etc. etc.

    But find out what is important to her. Find some common ground.

Good Luck!

(hottie turned hag) #67

@CaptainKirk Oh I’m with you, believe me. She def gets moodswings (“hangry”), glucose level related I’m certain, also migraines. She knows how my migraines resolved with keto (secondary to not retaining fluid which caused vasodilation), she knows how terrific I feel and look but resists. I do believe she is carb addicted.

Thanks for an excellent post!