Just got into an argument about keto

(Brian) #21

Religion, politics, and keto are often hot topics I don’t care to engage in outside of a known and trusted environment.

It doesn’t really sound like your friend was at all serious about keto so I doubt I’d want to be all that serious in answering any questions about it either. She’s already said she’s not stupid. So she can read all about it for herself, in places like this, and MANY others easily available online.

(traci simpson) #22

I had a conversation with two co-workers about me using pork rinds to make fried chicken and they thought that I was nuts and told me that I was crazy to think that this was healthy and bacon also. I tried to explain how skim milk was pretty much sugar and water and that it was crap as well as low fat, non fat, sugar free, etc., this guy told me that they don’t substitute the sugar with crap! I was like - are you kidding me just look at the ingredients in full fat yogurt vs low, non fat yogurt. He says oh just everything in moderation. The other person said it was stupid to have to put yourself in ketosis and that its just a fad. I said that it was a lifestyle that I want to work for me so that I could get healthy. Mind you, the man cannot even see his feet when he looks down, she is not fat but she’s not in the healthy range. They eat potato chips, cake, crackers, (shit) every day for lunch and don’t work out. I went for a walk with the female yesterday and she said to me, “slow down, I’m not out his to go crazy, I’m just out for a walk” this pissed me off because I waited all day to go with her and I could have just gone to the gym or power walked instead.

They will see when I’m looking great and they are still fat and unhealthy.

(Scott) #23

I love it when people tell me I am not healthy and I can say “well I lost 25 pounds, my blood work (cholesterol) improved, and I feel better than I have in years”. “I also eat as much as I want and eat lots of fat too”. How are things in your neck of the woods?

(traci simpson) #24


(Karim Wassef) #25

Conventional wisdom is not so wise…

“The earth is flat”

“The sun rotates around the earth”

“Dirt spontaneously generates worms”

All scientific truths of their time… and anything else was just “stupid”…

So glad enough stupid people came forward to help the wise.

(Khara) #26

This is why I currently don’t say the word keto and usually also don’t say low carb to most everyone.

I’ve been doing keto on and off for 4 years. I actually discovered it first back in about 2004 but struggled to find in-depth information on it. I then got scared and quit when I misunderstood ketoacidosis. As for low carb, I played around with that back in the 90’s with Atkins. Unfortunately at that time I misunderstood the whole replace carbs with fat part. I was still brainwashed into believing that low fat was healthy so I ended up being low fat and low carb AKA starving myself. So I was on the verge of finding this way of eating, this way that works so well for me and has me feeling more healthy than ever before, for more than two decades. NOT a fad, but rather a learning curve.

Unfortunately, keto currently IS a fad quick weight loss diet for many. It has exploded in popularity because of the quick results so often touted and as a result has attracted the fad diet personalities. There just is a group of people who will try this for a bit, won’t do thorough research and learning, won’t do any self experimenting and trial and error to get it right and within a short term will be onto the next fad. My frustration with this is that if I mention keto then I’m without conversation just immediately assumed to be one of those fad dieters. I’ve spent considerable time, most recently the last 4 years learning and being serious about this, and find it quite irritating to be categorized as jumping onto the fad bandwagon.

It’s just not worth it to me to enter into conversations with people who clearly are not willing or able to be thoughtful. It’s like they have this need to just be combative and reject all possibilities of learning something new. Ugh, it’s exhausting, juvenile, sophomoric, trite. Until the fad settles down some, I avoid saying the word keto unless I sense that the person I’m talking with is on my same level of seriousness with it.

(traci simpson) #27

Gotcha! yes, they seem to be closed minded about exploring new things not just in food but in life.

(Scott) #28

Yeah, I have learned to say keto Way Of Eating or better yet I changed from Low Carb / High Fat to Low Carb / Healthy Fat. I leave the word diet out and since I am within five pounds of ideal weight. I don’t look like I need to diet.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #29

We need a T-shirt that says, “I was keto before it was a fad.” :grin:

(Carl Keller) #30

I just say I don’t eat sugar or starch.

(Alec) #31

I say loud and proud: “I am keto, and I eat vegans for lunch!”

(Carl Keller) #32

Or when they see you eating a stick of butter, they will automatically know. :stuck_out_tongue:


(Troy) #33

And or this on the front or back :smile:
Custom Option: add a bacon border for free


That’ll do me…as long as there’s an apostrophe in I’ll so it’s not turned to ill :joy:

(Alec) #35

There was a considerable crowd around my desk when I took that pic (I don’t usually eat in the office, bad habit), and they all thought I was mad and committing suicide (“but doesn’t butter clog your arteries??”). The cognitive dissonance for them was that they could see I had lost about 80lbs, and was looking MUCH better than I had before… “how the hell does he lose all that weight eating butter??” “Doesn’t matter, he’ll be dead in a year” :joy::joy::joy:

(Khara) #36

I love witnessing this. It’s like seeing a puppy do the head tilt.

(Khara) #37

Yes! Who’s going to make them?!

(Khara) #38

Yep. This is my new go to line if I engage at all. It gets lapped right up. Completely opposite reaction to keto or low carb. Too funny. :woman_facepalming:

(Kent) #39

I can’t help but think of the popular meme that was going around a few years ago, “Rub some bacon on it”!

Keep Calm and Bacon On - KCBO

(Jennibc) #40

Whenever anyone says “everything in moderation” I ask “so do you use heroin in moderation? What about cocaine? Oh so you are worried about what’s legal? How about cigarettes?” Drives me nuts when people don’t get that. Anything to not have to give up sugar.