JAN 2024 IF/EX Chat Thread

(KCKO, KCFO) #21

Prime member, I can have up to 10 books at a time.

(KM) #22

Hmmm. You mean when you go through Libby and read on Kindle? I didnā€™t know there was a Prime library.

(KCKO, KCFO) #23

Prime benefits include Kindle books from Amazon.

My library books are via Libby.

(KM) #24

Hmmm. Hubs is a prime member but I get to use his prime benefits on my Amazon acct. I wonder if he has kindle book access I donā€™t. Not really sure how it works. I can read a library book with libby or kindle app, in which case it downloads from Amazon, but it has to be available at my library first. Iā€™ve never seen an option to borrow directly from Amazon.

(Chuck) #25

Actually I have had as many as 20 books at one time. I have been an unlimited member since the beginning.

(Chuck) #26

The unlimited kindle books is a additional monthly cost. I average reading 10 books a month

(KCKO, KCFO) #27

Because I also use my libraryā€™s Libby service, I only have regular prime reading, not unlimited.

@kib1My husband can read books using my membership, if your accounts are linked you can do that as well.

(KM) #28

Hmm. They are linked. Iā€™ll have to figure out whatā€™s up. Can you choose from any Kindle book?

(Chuck) #29

Where I live the local libraries have very few choices of books. And the wait time is very long. I have certain series that I keep close tabs on, with kindle unlimited I get them as soon as they are released and sometimes as a prerelease. I read on average 10 books a month and libby only allows me 2 here in my area due to availability.

(KCKO, KCFO) #30

The Prime reads or fully priced books if you buy them. Unlimited is a separate membership with fee but I think I saw they can be shared as well. But I havenā€™t used it so not sure. I have shared reads and purchased books without an issue.

(Erica Ramirez) #31

I need a kindle or something. I read 3 books every 2 weeks, since last May. Iā€™ve always been a reader but I got so busy I didnā€™t prioritize time for my hobbies. Then I got cancer and spent so much time in Dr offices and treatments so I started reading again. Now I make time - during my kids sports practices (I watch their games and meets but read at practice lol) and at night after everyone is asleep. luckily we have a lot of libraries around, but wow if I had unlimited books!!! :heart_eyes:

I am on my 2nd 5 day fast. My last one, 2 weeks ago, went great. I lost a lot but it evened out over the following week (doing Keto/IF) to a loss of 5 pounds. I am happy with that. I was staying the same weight (plateau?) the weeks prior. But I really felt a difference in myself and saw a difference in my skin. I didnā€™t even want to eat after the 5 days.
I am now 66 hours into my next fast feeling great!! People are noticing :slight_smile: and my husband jokes - cancer looks so good on you (his sense of humor is a little dark).
Itā€™s my birthday this weekend and family is coming so Iā€™ll eat with them but I plan to go right back on my fast. bc I see my Oncologist on Jan 30. I think I will be down 50 pounds when she sees me!!! Or close to that! Iā€™m excited for her reaction. She told me to lose, and I did! Iā€™m also doing 30 min on my elliptical most days (she said 3 hrs a week).

(Robin) #32

Think how seldom a doc gets to see someone actually transform themselves. Pretty cool. Be sure to share their reaction!

(KCKO, KCFO) #33

If you have a smart phone, Overdrive and Libby apps are available for both android and iphone , you borrow books, audiobooks, and movies from your library. You need a library card.

Sounds like you are doing very well with fasting and losing the weight.

Have a very Happy Birthday.

(Bob M) #34

Yesterday was one of the very few days Iā€™ve had where I was not hungry until dinner, so I skipped my normal first meal of the day. In 10 years, Iā€™ve had less than a handful of these, and it might have been because I got up too late Friday for a workout, and I had to forego my normal jog with my pup on Sunday due to rain.

(B Creighton) #35

JFYI most people who try fasting with cancer find that it makes the side effects of chemo much less, while seeming to make the chemo more effectiveā€¦ donā€™t know if you are doing chemo, but just some thoughts. Keto also seems to be effective at slowing many cancers, because many of them grow out of control by feeding on excess sugar.

Congrats on your weight loss!!

(B Creighton) #36

Well reporting on my end of month resultsā€¦

I faithfully did my OMAD IF on Mon, Wed, and Fridays of Januaryā€¦ That is until today. Today I am still sore from my workout Monday nightā€¦ so I figured maybe I still need some protein this morning for repair. I introduced a new exercise Mon, and wowā€¦ I am still noticeably sore and achy.

In an effort to gain muscle, I am currently not doing keto, but more low carb Iā€™d say. I do appear to be gaining some muscle, but my Renpho scale says only about 4 pound of ā€œnon-fat body weightā€ since mid Nov. I am tempted to quit my pre-workout fat bomb as I seem to be gaining some fat as well, and am up about 10 pounds overall since Novā€¦ so according to my scale about 6 pounds of fatā€¦ of course that is an estimate, which I did not have access to two years ago when I did this, but I am reasonably sure that I was not adding fat at that time. I know I am now, because my waist has increased. I do think my workouts two years ago were more vigorous,ā€¦ I am just a little frustrated right now because I feel my results are not as good as 2 years ago when I was more keto. Of course at the time I started completely out of shape, and it was probably easier to put on those first few pounds of muscle. Anyoneā€™s thoughts are welcome.

(Robin) #37

Time to head over to the Feb thread. See you there!

(Robin) closed #38