It's remarkable just how many things they can get wrong

(Richard Morris) #1

This pamphlet from the British Dietetic association is just incredible for it’s wilful misunderstanding of the biochemistry, surely they can’t be so stupid.

Not sure I want to see their food fact sheets on Diabetes.

(Carol E. ) #2

The dogma has been accepted as truth for so long that it goes unquestioned.

Once the veil is lifted we question! We become curious! We think critically! Keto On!

(bulkbiker) #3

I’m afraid us Brits have to put up with this shit all the time…Like when your diabetes nurse tells you your condition is progressive and you will end up on insulin! That’s on the day you are diagnosed…
And your doctor, who overseas the diabetes practice at your surgery has never even heard of Prof Roy Taylor or Dr Jason Fung… I despair sometimes…

(Richard Morris) #4

Yup I’ve lost count of the times I have had that conversation.

Most recently 6 months ago with a certified Diabetes educator who was herself type 2 diabetic and had just had some fat free tuna, some low fat fruit yogurt and a pear for lunch before she saw me. Then she proceeded to complain about my food diary being unhealthy, and lecture me about the MyPlate model. And then she took my blood glucose and told me at 5.2 mmol/l I was in danger of becoming hypoglycemic.

(bulkbiker) #5

The cognitive dissonance of these people is quite astounding sometimes.
I wonder how they ever qualified…

(Arlene) #6

What amazes me how many people are still willing to blindly trust these supposed authorities, just because they have some kind of medical title, as if that title makes them credible. What ever happened to thinking and reasoning for ourselves?

(Dustin Cade) #7

After listening to “the big fat surprise” I’ve gained a big distrust over what goes into being called nutrition science… “health & care information you can trust…” indeed


Knock, knock. It’s the 1980’s, and it wants it’s useless, asinine dogma back.

(Michelle) #9

Are there?

  • Essential amino acids? Yes!
  • Essential fatty acids? Yes!
  • Essential carbohydrates? NO!!! These do not exist

You do have to question everything that is out there… find the truth for yourselves people! Too many people believe everything they read and everything they see. Sad.


I just find it astounding that time and time again we’re met with this general close-minded nature of so many in the medical profession; a profession that was founded on research, science and progressive empirical knowledge.

Why is it that so many, from both the medical and non-medical profession, blindly accept teachings based on hypotheses and theories yet fail to acknowledge or even simply consider that there may be some real basis to alternative findings?

Theories have been proven wrong in the past; so how is it that people cannot be open to the possibility that current theories regarding diet and nutrition could also be disproven? I find that truly baffling. When did these people become so certain that there is no further knowledge to be gained? These people that have taken an oath to “do no harm”.

Please point me to that time in our history where failing to keep an open mind resulted in great benefit to humankind? Someone? Anyone? …cue crickets…

(Arlene) #11

Do they still include “do no harm” in the oath that new doctors take? Evidence would suggest they took that out of the oath some time ago. :slight_smile: