It's Easy...Until It's Not...And then it it's Easy Again

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #42

Given your comments in this post, I’d venture to suggest that the next thing to look at is how much food you are eating, and especially how much protein.

Deliberately skimping on calories is the signal to the body that a famine is going on, which causes the body to hunker down and hang on to its resources, even on a low-carb diet. If you are eating ketogenically in order to shed excess fat, then the best approach is to eat more, not less. In particular, eat to satisfy your hunger, since that way you will know you are not giving your body short rations. As insulin drops, the hunger and satiety hormones start working properly again for most people, and so appetite becomes a good guide to how much to eat. People with excess fat to shed generally find themselves eating at a level that allows their body to metabolise both the fat they eat and some of their stored fat.

The other thing is to be sure to get the right amount of protein. We recommend getting between 1.0 g and 1.5 g of protein per kilogram of lean body mass per day. So if your lean mass is 75 kg (165 lb.), you want 75-112.5 grams of protein, which works out to roughly 300-450 g (10.6-16 oz.) of actual meat. Some experts even recommend as much as 2.0 g/kg/day, especially if you are working out and trying to bulk up.

(Reid M) #43

I don’t have much time to reply. I used an app to monitor my nutrition during the first week to get a feel for what I should be aiming for. I don’t seem to have problems meeting the suggested intake of protein and fat while keeping carbs around the 20 mark. With last weekend’s beef stew, which I had for dinner 3 days in a row, I was over on protein even. I’ll go back to monitoring again, just to be sure I’m getting the calorie count right. Thanks for the advice.

I’m trying Keto for a mixture of reasons, but managing my weight is one of them. :slight_smile: