Itch with big acnes on my legs

(Mehmet Uyaroviç) #1

Hello again and again,
I solved my magnesium problem no more cramps nowadays my heart rate is great.

But I have another problem now, I have an itch on my legs even in my butt lol. When I scatch them they are getting more and getting more bigger. There are definitely fat acne.

How can I fix it, am I getting too much animal fats?

(Vladaar Malane) #2

I’d check with a doctor, I don’t know of fat acne…

I can tell you I switched to canus goat milk soap maybe 10 years ago, and the occasional acne I would get on my face went away.

Some of us have mild allergies to the harsh chemicals they put in soaps.

I use the Lavender one, because it’s my preference but you might be better off using plain to see how it affects you.

Or if you are getting very sweaty in a day, which I do when I workout I also sometimes use.

(Diane) #3

Another possible explanation, especially if you’re losing weight (burning fat), is that as you’re emptying out the fat in your adipocytes, you’re also getting rid of the other stuff stored in those cells (hormones, toxins, etc). You might be detoxing through your skin.

I think this is what’s happening to me when I get some weird spots on my legs after I’ve lost weight quickly (like when I do an extended fast). They don’t last long (they dry up and flake off over a week or two). So, if you’re detoxing through your skin, they won’t last forever.

(Allie) #4

Candida die off came into my mind when I first read this.

(Mehmet Uyaroviç) #5

Yeah It is like candida but when I scratch them they are getting big, normally there is nothing.

I am really sad, I am doing keto maybe more than a month :frowning:

(Allie) #6

Maybe your scratching is causing a histamine reaction making them swell up?

(Running from stupidity) #7

Yeah, this was going to be my suggestion as well.

(Betsy) #8

I started and stopped keto a couple of times because after a couple of weeks I would come down with a virus. Several times it was just cold sores, but then almost 2 years ago I came down with a very serious case of shingles. When is saw the pattern I was afraid to ever try keto again, but my chronic fatigue, food sensitivities, and brain fog made me keep looking into it.

This last time I came back to look around here, I found this post.

Also, Wolfgang Lutz, in his book, “Life Without Bread”, says that if you lower your carbs too fast it can cause problems by activating your immune system.

So I agree that what might be happening to you might be that your body is dealing with some pathogen, and if you can get through to the other side of it you will be better off.

(Consensus is Politics) #9

This was my first thought as well. Having experienced severe hay fever at different times in my life, brought on from moving to different locales. I learned the scratching or even rubbing the effected area can cause extreme swelling from the histamine reaction. My eyes itches so bad when I lived in England, that once I rubbed them, my eyelids swoll shut. Not a pleasant experience riding a bike in traffic on the way to work.

(Consensus is Politics) #10

Is there any data on this? I always Pooh poohed the notion of “detoxing” for the most part. I grew up around a lot of hippies in the 60’s 70’s San Francisco.

I’d hear them say things like, “oh, this rash is coming from my detox. I’ve stopped eating meats, and only eat leafy greens”. My first thought was maybe they got the rash from one of their hippie friends who always smelled like they needed a bath, and they always seemed to have flea collars around their wrists and ankles. :roll_eyes: My exposure to moronic adults was with the hippies of that time. Sure, nice enough people, but didn’t have a knife in the drawer.

(Running from stupidity) #11

It’s a good question. One that at 7am I’m not going to find a good answer for :slight_smile:

I would say, however, that your case study cited is indeed a sketchy one, but that it doesn’t rule out the possibility that it’s actually true :slight_smile:

We certainly know that fast cells store/secrete hormones, which was partly what I was thinking about, I suspect.