Is this considered paleo?


(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #2

No. Just cheap. Dirt cheap.

(Laurie) #3

For pica eaters.


didn’t click on vid but the darn coat looks paleo
cave, roots, fur…yea paleo LOL


She isn’t the only one eating dirt. Haitians just are more classy about it.


well aware of this. It’s soul crushing as a father to see this.


It is low carb for sure. My late brother struggled with mental illness and once when he had overcome a lot of his problems he was being interviewed. It turns out he had been stranded for a couple of weeks during the flooding in New Orleans and they asked him how difficult that was and he responded and said that it was nowhere near as difficult as being homeless and hungry. He told me how when he got really hungry sometimes he would swallow pebbles just have something in his stomach. We lost track of them for a few years during that time and it was great to be able to find him and see him get the treatment and help that he needed