Is this a "normal" adaptation period?

(Sugarless Monday) #22

As i said everyone is different, in addition many of them include raw meat.
and 1 lemon a day, or 1 bell pepper a day, is not too much sugar it still in ZC range.
eggs and liver also contain trace amount of sugar.
99% carnivore is still acceptable. if you feel great with 0 plant, that’s great, but he don’t seem to respond well to this diet, so we should be freely and openly discuss about problems and don’t hide them like religious vegans do.
otherwise you are just the carnivore version of religious fanatic vegans.


One more time with some science truths here LOL

Yes, one can opt for 99% carnivore and eat whatever else they desire, whenever they want. That is not in question ever. All are free to do as they please.

But in a zero carb/carnivore forum no one would ever suggest eating plant and fruit material. It is not what carnivores follow but if ya want to personally go rogue, then have at it. Not one person will stop that and we say go follow whatever you want.

Just stop throwing the old myths around. They are more dangerous to the carnivore lifestyle than anything else truly and it shows a big lack of understanding of the values and science behind this way of eating. Something carnivores do value highly.

(Sugarless Monday) #24

I’m not allowed to suggest it? why? because the church’s rules not allow this?give me a break.
funny how many carnivores often recommend industrial supplements in these forums, and it’s never considered breaking the rules, but when i only recommended him to find for himself if 1 low-carb fruit can help relieve is misery, then many view it as a sin.


You are allowed to suggest it. We simply mentioned that A: not necessary B: we don’t eat that.
Pretty simple.

However be adult enough to understand that not everyone is going to agree with you and don’t get your knickers in a knot about it.

Again, good luck and I wish you well.

(Sugarless Monday) #26

I’ve no problem with disagreement, but some of the members here told me explicitly to stop suggesting it.
there is fine line between disagreement and silencing someone opinion.


What bob said!

Thing is ‘weakly diagnosing’ someone over the internet is truly dangerous.

Only time supps/vitamins are wanted on carnivore is if it is related medically and Dr. diagnosed and prescribed.

I would think the above is wise. The fake diagnosing a person over the internet is not wise. So to ‘suggest a cure’ for a ‘weakly and untruthful diagnosis’ from a laymen means nothing. Why suggest this possibly dangerous level of interference? It is very irresponsible to do just that.

You suggested it. We counter acted it. Sounds like it is over if ya ask me LOL


@ Kay I dont want to “diet” anymore. I want something sustainable. That is why I am doing keto, because it contains food is I love and some carbs. If I get the urge, I make myself a chocolate almond milk milk shake for example. I am still a newbie so I say all of this with a grain of salt and you never know, but right now this feels like a life long thing. It sounds to me like you are torturing yourself with all of the stuff you can’t eat. I wish you good luck though. I couldn’t do such restrictive eating any more, not in the long run. Actually, not evening the short run.


I tried not to comment this far but I can’t resist anymore.

I don’t see religious carnivores right here. Barefootbob is especially not like that and he even provided nice information that I’ve read when I did almost completely vegetarian keto but was a curious, open-minded one.
Yes, people are different, I totally agree and surely carnivore isn’t good for everyone, some people are better with almost carnivore or just keto or low-carb or even high-carb. But our body does certain things just because we are human (unless if we have some rare condition) and it seems, not needing Vitamin C supplement on carnivore is a common thing. I don’t know how many people lived without such problems eating carnivore but not eating raw meat, a few example wouldn’t persuade me either but whatever the Inuits ate, that was enough (I know there was berries too but very, very, very little) and they surely hadn’t a lot of “different” ones. The human body simply works differently on carnivore. If you want to dismiss info in the provided links, at least address them and explain what is wrong with them. I might believe someone need carbier items but I don’t think we surely can say it’s the case here and you made it into something bigger, more general anyway.

I just see the carnivores state facts about their diet, provide links and infos - and you just say the OP should eat fruits because you think it’s the problem and you even insulted carnivores who want to eat carnivore.
No, eating a bell pepper or a lemon every day isn’t ZC even for me and I don’t think it’s the same as eating the same amount of carbs in eggs and liver. And it should be everyone’s decision to eat it or not but there are info and experience that shows no need for it. Even if someone need to stop carnivore, I find this a bit excessive and with waaaaaaaaaaaay less science and logic than the carnivores here showed.
In my eyes, you just came, said it must be curvy and the solution is eating sugar (or even if it’s not that, just eat sugar to be sure). It doesn’t make sense to me, honestly, I miss logic and real explanation, it come through as guess, personal opinion and while the carnivores are very calm (even Fangs :D) and you are antagonistic. As others pointed out, there is anti-carnivore advice in a carnivore topic, it’s quite odd and it’s not just a single comment but a forceful attempt to persuade us without anything to based it upon.

(Sugarless Monday) #30

Your argument was never against the validity of diagnosing a person on the internet.
you wrote Quote

But in a zero carb/carnivore forum no one would ever suggest eating plant and fruit material. It is not
Just stop throwing the old myths around.

in other words, you asked me to stop suggesting plant in a ZC forum, nothing in your comments implying specifically about the irresponsibility of internet diagnosis in general.
and besides, i never said he have scurvy, i only wrote that the symptoms he described are very similar to early sign of scurvy.
he seek help in this forum, so i and many other try to help him.
i never told him not to visit his physician, and there is not a real life threat for suggesting to try 1 lemon a day.


I did not mean for it to come across in any tough way at you. If you read any of the posted info, lets discuss :slight_smile: I said stop throwing out OLD MYTHS because they are harmful and not wanted. I didn’t say you could not chat reasonably about this topic.

But if I made you feel that way I apologize. I never meant for you to feel badly.

So did you read any of the info posted about Vit C?

And obviously we all know it is not good to throw out any big medical advice and ‘cures’ on the internet to people we just don’t know their situations.

(Sugarless Monday) #32

No, i never said carnivore diet is not for everyone, i never concluded that he have scurvy,
and i never said he must include fruit in his diet to be healthy, i only raise suggestion and possibilities.
i never pretended i know anything, i agree that some people are oversensitive to carbs and even 1 lemon a day can be a big issue for them.
The only reason i believe minimal(very minimal) amount of plant may be required and healthful for some people, is because most of us don’t consume raw meat as our ancestors did


It’s your prerogative to eat whatever you feel right. Many carnivores wrote in various topics that they eat carnivore because they have to. They suffer if they eat like you.
And why would it be a torture? They eat good food. Not everyone feel the need to eat everything tasty. Or everything keto-friendly tasty. There IS variety if one wants it. I have no experience with carnivore but I do have a lot with cutting out food groups from our diet. I can restrict my diet very seriously without feeling actually restricted. (I break things sometimes but those are my worst days. It’s more like rebellion or habit than missing anything.)

“All the stuff one can’t eat” can be very, very good. Physically, mentally, emotionally too. You can feel you are FREE, finally. And when you eat them again, you feel the chains and the other possible negative effects.
It’s surely different for everyone. It is different for me now and a few months ago. But I wouldn’t think carnivores torture themselves (there are surely some who do, of course but some people do that on any diet). Their diet has its benefits. Quite nice ones from my viewpoint.
It’s the same with keto. It was impossible and horrible several years ago, I quit on the first day. I needed low-carb then.
It was great and smooth years ago but I needed a generous amount of carbs.
And now I changed again but I can’t say much yet. But carby food loses its importance and I doubt it will change back. Not eating plants may be perfectly natural due to not feeling any desire towards them. I am not there yet but I changed a lot in the last months in that direction. I just DON’T get the urge for a chocolate almond milk (it’s hot chocolate with egg in my case). And it feels sooooo good. I lose some of my chains on the days when I eat almost no or really no plants. (It’s about lack of plants in my case as I barely eat any meat now. No plants and enough meat, I am super curious about that! That’s surely something else and well, it works longer term and that’s a good thing.) I don’t feel restricted, in the contrary and many carnivores feel quite okay for a long, long time because this diet suits them.


@Shinita Honestly - I wasn’t addressing you or all the other carnivores here who have obviously made a choice which suits them. I was addressing Kay who doesn’t seem to be having such an easy time with it. So it was an attempt to console her. Like you even wrote yourself- “Not everyone feel the need eat everything tasty” -but some do. Some really do torture themselves and I have had the experience that that was unsustainable for me. But that’s just me too. I am certainly not a masochist. LOL Love fatty foods, I love eggs and bacon and fried foods, and now and then I do get a bit of a sweet tooth. So for me, keto is sustainable. Thats all I was saying, Shinita.


Oh sorry now that I look at your comment again, I see that! My mind was still full with other things, it seems…

You surely do keto way better than me though. I often eat too much carbs but when I manage to go very, very low, that’s great. I hope I can do that in the future most of the time. But we will see, I am all for being flexible and not forcing things.


remember also this is an ancient thread revived
from 2018 :slight_smile:


Did the OP die of scurvy? :smirk:

,yeah, should’ve left that thought in my head but I’m a sarcastic smart-ass at heart…well meaning, but a smart-ass nonetheless.