Is there any standard dietary CW that is actually correct?

(Alec) #1

I am getting to the point where if the CW is X, I am going to choose Y.

Cholesterol WRONG
Saturated fat WRONG
Fruits WRONG
Vegetables WRONG
Seed oils WRONG
Butter WRONG
Margerine WRONG
Whole grains WRONG
Whole fat dairy WRONG
Trans Fats RIGHT (OK, but what have they replaced them with?)
Fish RIGHT (OK, I will give you that one, I think, although there is stuff around poisons, right?

Any others that the CW is actually wise?


They’re also kind of wrong on Fish though. They say to avoid mercury but this is only true for fish that have low selenium levels.

They say to avoid Tuna because it is a large predatory fish that lives a long time and their reasoning is correct as the mercury ascends the trophic levels in the food chain and accumulates in the tissues over time. However, tuna is also high in selenium (almost like they evolved a natural immunity to a high mercury diet) which counteracts the toxicity of mercury. Eating fish that have mercury and selenium together in similar amounts will not result in mercury toxicity.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

Sugar is good for you (just ask the Harvard School of Public Health) WRONG


Guidelines from all ‘those experts’…wrong!
Sit back and be told…wrong!
Leave your life in the hands of all others…wrong!

ugh :crazy_face:


Eat little and often: WRONG

(Joey) #6

@Alecmcq You clearly make a compelling case against CW.

Perhaps the only CW that may actually be correct is that CW is usually wrong?