Is ketosis an on/off thing, or sliding scale?


I am very familiar with the Phinney/Volek nutritional ketosis range of 1.5-3.0 mmol/L. I also understand you’re “in ketosis” at about .5 and up.

Is ketosis binary? In other words, are you either in it or not? Or is it more nuanced than that? Why do people say it doesn’t matter how high your ketones are “as long as you’re in ketosis?” You mean 2.8 won’t produce more lipolysis and weight loss results than .7, all else being equal?


(Stickin' with mammoth) #2

This is a fascinating question. I always thought it was binary, but different for every person. In other words, you are either in or out but what gets you there can vary and the numbers that mean you are there can be different for different people.

I’m gonna keep my nose to the grindstone and see what I can find on the internet. They probably haven’t run scientific tests on this yet but, damn, this would be a valuable thing to know. Thanks for positing it.


it is not binary, the body will process all fuels at different rates depending on whats going on. even sugar burning athletes can dip into ketosis on very long endurance exercise events.

as soon as your body starts burning fat, ketones will be produced. there is a very complex homeostatic interelationship between all the energy sources in your blood, and the hormones and signalling that is going on.