Is it a good idea to clean bowels before a 5 day fast?


Yes, it’s true I was a little bit rude. I found it funny you should be so opinionated about something you hardly know. It was your “as it should” I found grating at first, because it’s not a given that bowels move during a fast. The rest of your posting I am not willing to comment on as it would take too long, anyway if you’re a vata dosha you better not even fast for that matter (I think that’s what you were referring to, talking of doshas? because vata is the one that’s a little more delicate, anyway panchakarma is a tri-doshic treatment, and it includes a cleansing of the bowels so your point is moot).
Ah and I don’t have bowels problem, usually, not that I know.
Anyway I am sorry if you felt dismissed, it wasn’t anything done with mean intentions on my part.


I urge you to re-read my posts if you are implying that the “Another is saying” bit is what I said. I simply said what happened with me, which didn’t involve laxatives, and was a legit response to your question on a discussion forum. You are grossly reading in things that aren’t there. I told you facts about myself, not opinions. And I do know about my own body.

And you can keep trying to discount my experience with my own bowels, but it doesn’t make my experience any less appropriate for me. I still think it’s not appropriate for me, no matter how insulting you are to me.

My original post:

Note that was nothing said about your way of doing things.

You have edited the post I’m responding to. It actually is my bowels’ job to cleanse themselves. You can object to that all you want, but it doesn’t make it not true. You’re apparently someone who experiences constipation during a fast. I can tell you from my reading here and elsewhere that I’m not the only who experiences the opposite.

My second post was in response to your response to mine.

Again, nothing about your way being stupid. It’s only focused on my experience and what happens to me.


Yeah I am sorry you went to the trouble to reply, because I completely changed my message in the meantime. Bad habit of mine. Peace.


Sigh. My point is not moot. Let me clarify it. People are different. Bodies react and require different treatments. Something being tridoshic doesn’t change that. Some people need laxatives to move their bowels, some don’t.


Good so what was your point then? in ayurveda fasting is considered much more challenging for a body than bowel cleansing. And one has to be really in a difficult spot not to qualify for panchakarma. And the cleansing included in the panchakarma has nothing to do in terms of depth with a little innocent enema.
Anyway I am glad we agree that if you didn’t need an enema the one time you fasted it doesn’t have to mean a toot about what anyone else is doing.

Anyway, as I said, I am out of here, please don’t take it as an insult, but I don’t think any of this is other than a waste of time for both.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #46

Did you submit your review to Amazon? I still read those Gummy Bear reviews occasionally when I need a good laugh until my sides ache and I cry tears


I would have but I have nothing but my own hubris to blame because the label was even highlighted on the package that it might have a “mild laxative effect” and I flew too close to the sun.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #48

Have you seen the Amazon reviews? Yours would fit in there perfectly! They are hilarious. You are super funny! Making me laugh my ass off over here “flew too close to the Sun” LOL!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #49