Is anyone else exhausted from cooking?


I have never cooked so much in my life! Yummy stuff making this doable for me but its a lot!


I enjoy cooking so I don’t mind it. I do make extras so if I want to skip dinner the man has leftovers in the fridge:)

(Dana) #3

No, I feel you, girl. I run a load of dishes every day now and I have to walk like a princess on my kitchen floor so I don’t step on the grease.


Good for you! I like to cook but its hard to cook this much! Between working and kids its hard for me to cook this much… that for me is the hardest thing about this way of eating… so far. I am only 1 week and few days in…


I’ve always been a keen cook but I sometimes get a bit fed up with it. We call it a cooking funk - suddenly can’t get motivated to do the dreary day to day stuff. I snap out of it eventually & usually find that a spot of stunt cooking - cooking something totally new to me - helps.


Thats funny!

(Blessed with butter ) #7

I prep anything that can be in the fridge or freezer. I do 2 pounds each. Ground beef,turkey and chicken. Also make beef patty’s and vegetables for stir fry. Cut up chicken breast in strips. Cook it and then you have to take veggies and meat out of the fridge or freezer. Cook for 10 min and you got dinner. I do this every Sunday. Got kids teach them how to help. Have them break the broccoli and coliflower, my grand kids are 2 and 3 that is their job.


Tired of cooking? Just do a 5 day fast to recharge yourself :slight_smile:

(Michelle) #9

Wait a couple of months - your appetite decreases, you get in a routine, and you cook a whole lot less.

My routine is no breakfast, just cream in my coffee. One avocado and 2T of crunchy natural peanut for lunch. Maybe another cup of fatty coffee with lunch. Dinner is a meat and some veggies with plenty of butter on them. I don’t eat if it isn’t meal time.


Nope—never tired! I cook once per week on either Saturdays or Sundays, depending on what we have going on. I choose recipes, write up a list, hit the store then come home, put on a great podcast (2KD, Ketowoman, KV, or TED Talks), and spend the next few hours cooking. When done, I package up single servings, and label them with masking tape and a sharpie for the spouse’s ease when he’s packing morning food. However, I also keep it simple with 5 ingredient or less casseroles or meat and vegetables. :wink: Try it!

(less is more, more or less) #11

This is refreshingly honest. I can see your point, yet, I’ve never ate this healthy, or made so much of my own food. We’ve reduced our overall food costs, thanks to more prep at home, and I better know exactly what I’m eating. It would be nice to pull the prefab stuff off the shelfs, but then I think about the problems of modern prefabricated food distribution and storage, and all the chemicals you need to stabilize this inventory.

That’s not stuff I want to put down my gullet.


thats awesome! you have a great system going… I am still thinking few days at a time… gotta plan better… thanks for the advice.


stunt cooking! I will have to look that up!

(Mike W.) #14

I wish I could cook all day, everyday. That being said, I would like to hire a dishwasher…


The dishes are definitely the worst part!

(Brian) #16

One word for ya… “Leftovers!”

Every once in a while, I’ll make a mug cake for dessert. It’s not all that often but once in a while. Thing of it is, it’s pretty much the same amount of work and nearly as much time as is required to make a cake big enough to eat all week if that’s what we wanted. So mostly, I make muffins by the dozen. Those last a while because we don’t eat the whole dozen at a sitting. Usually, we eat 1 muffin.

Same can happen with cooking burgers or meatloaf or lots of other things. We’ll make more than we need and then will have one or two or even three more meals out of what we made. It’s quick and easy to heat it up and there, supper… or breakfast, whatever. It will even work for some veggies.

It’s something that makes life easier here. Don’t know if it would apply for you or not. Good luck!



I do almost no cooking. I cut up cheese and put it on top of spinach for my lunch. I eat hardboiled eggs(they came cooked) and cheese for breakfast. I boil eggs or fry them (the extent of my cooking) for dinner. Or defrost frozen veggies, put cheese on top, melt in microwave. Another favorite dinner is shrimp cocktail with mayo instead of cocktail sauce. Snacks are peanuts or other nuts. Today I’m going to pick up some high quality roast beef at the deli counter for my lunch. So yeah…no cooking for me.


LOl… yes, that too!! The dishes are exhausting!! My husband is our dish doer and he is frustrated! I am also doing dishes because there are so many!! He loves a clean kitchen and I have had to drag out the bread maker, the instant pot the vitamix and the food processor!!


So true! Thats exactly it… I HAVE to cook now! No lean quisine etc. I will get it down better… lots of great tips here.


Wow! Thats amazing… if you are content with that wonderful… I probably could do that for about a week then I get tired and need variety… I will try and be more simple…