Introducing Carnivore Muscle


(Chris) #1

Howdy all. With @richard’s blessing, I’d like to introduce you to

Carnivore Muscle is my new brand, it’s a free site based around my blog. This was originally created to track my progress toward the goal of becoming a natural bodybuilder and trainer, however it’s morphed into beginning to be a free resource for people looking to get started, or for those that need an extra push in the right direction.

Planned are guides to eating, lifting strategy, fat loss and muscle gain, and direct links to contact me for Q & A. I’ll help you pick a training regimen, or fine-tune your existing one based on your goals.

It won’t be limited exclusively to carnivore, though that’s the goal, I think we all have minor differences and there’s no need to be dogmatic about diet when you’re trying to optimize for a specific goal or even a sport.

On the site are links to all of my social media as well as other sites that I trust (including this one, of course!).

Again, there’s no cost, no ads, and all of this is completely free for everyone.

EDIT: And this will be the only time I will make a post promoting this site. The link is in my profile and that’s that.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #2

Great Idea, Chris

Though your latest blog post is dated Friday, February 26, 2021!

Congrats on your progress, I’ll definitely follow your page :slight_smile:

(Chris) #3

That’s the shitty Blogger workaround for stickies, haha.

(Richard Morris) #4

Yup. It’s an interesting blog that doesn’t spam and advertise so I thought it would be a useful resource for readers.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #5

That makes complete sense :joy:

(Chris) #6

Google gotta be different at all costs!