These “old” threads are full of great information,thank you all.
Now that I´m starting again after a break, I discovered all these handy online calorie/nutrition calculators and got a bit interested in my macros - and also calories.
Having been low carb since 2004 or so, I have no problems limiting carbs and getting lots of fat. Automatically. I´m just interested in calories now, I´m a different animal than back then. I have medications, age and obviously worse metabolism now.
20 years ago I used to eat 3000-4000 kcal per day, meat,fat,very low carbs, drink (lo carb) wine and lose weight down to almost too skinny back then. Under 80 kg / 190 cm. I´m 100 kg now,was even more a month ago but I did not bother to weigh myself then, when I started cutting carbs. Of course I like to think I was 110 kg a month ago ! 
Anyway, my calorie expedition now is NOT to cut down on calories permanently, I´m just feeling them and sort of guessing a good amount that is enough -and then some. Losing weight may take some time. I have never restricted calories,ever. Not now either.
This app actually helps me to eat enough. I will give this some time,like six months. Then adjust if needed.
1500 feels possible,no hunger but it does not feel right. 1800 feels normal. I guess 2200 is good. Fat is there.