I'm panicking, probably for nothing

(Jane) #63

It did, since just lunch. I made up for it at dinner with beef, usually. Was crazy expensive so glad the company was picking up the tab!

The breakfast at the hotel was nice and they catered to an international crown. Beans for the Brits, omelets for the Americans, rice and veggies for the Asians, bread, fruit and cheeses for the Europeans.

Besides omelets they had bacon/speck (both crispy and limp), other meats, lots of cheeses.


I see! I have the same with my not so substantial meats. I never could get satiated by chicken alone when it was my OMAD dinner but some for lunch? Fine. I just eat some pork hours later.

The breakfast sounds good (and normal except the beans, I never saw that where I travelled in Europe). I usually had pretty nice breakfasts in hotels (when it was with breakfast), simple but that’s perfect, nice variety, no limits… And it ended late so even I only had to eat a few hours earlier than normal for my first meal (doable with a long walk first thing in the morning, even with my late waking)… I just couldn’t resist those breakfasts :stuck_out_tongue: There were eggs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(Jane) #65

When I first traveled to China we stayed in a local hotel we had to pay for up front, in Chinese cash. The breakfast was rice, veggies, small amount of protein - just like lunch and dinner.

When we moved to an American chain hotel (one hour drive to the plant instead of 5 min) I could get an omelette and point to what I wanted in it.

I was entertained watching them cook and turn an omelette with chop sticks!!! And if you couldn’t manage chop sticks in the lunch cantina, you didn’t eat LOL.


These “old” threads are full of great information,thank you all.

Now that I´m starting again after a break, I discovered all these handy online calorie/nutrition calculators and got a bit interested in my macros - and also calories.

Having been low carb since 2004 or so, I have no problems limiting carbs and getting lots of fat. Automatically. I´m just interested in calories now, I´m a different animal than back then. I have medications, age and obviously worse metabolism now.

20 years ago I used to eat 3000-4000 kcal per day, meat,fat,very low carbs, drink (lo carb) wine and lose weight down to almost too skinny back then. Under 80 kg / 190 cm. I´m 100 kg now,was even more a month ago but I did not bother to weigh myself then, when I started cutting carbs. Of course I like to think I was 110 kg a month ago ! :slight_smile:

Anyway, my calorie expedition now is NOT to cut down on calories permanently, I´m just feeling them and sort of guessing a good amount that is enough -and then some. Losing weight may take some time. I have never restricted calories,ever. Not now either.

This app actually helps me to eat enough. I will give this some time,like six months. Then adjust if needed.

1500 feels possible,no hunger but it does not feel right. 1800 feels normal. I guess 2200 is good. Fat is there.

(Robin) #67

So many questions…
First, what app are you using? When I first began keto, I used Carb Manager to help me learn my macros. Once I put in the desired ratio of fat/carbs/protein AND my goal weight, it gave me a target amount of calories too.
That at least gave me a ballpark area to shoot for. But I found it was actually too low and I was able to eat more.

So, what is your age/gender, current weight/height/exercise/health issues? And your goal. If you’ve already shared this information, I apologize.

Glad you’re finding good info here.


Definitely. Thank you very much for your concern.

Maybe read my post again,I’m doing fine in a pretty relaxed way. My calorie app is a finnish version,a simple one. I like it because it has all the local market stuff in the database. I can easily choose the right brand of bacon or olives.

My target is to feel good and eat enough,which I’m doing, and possibly wake up my metabolism a little. To cut down on BP meds should help. Winter makes me idle. Maybe later we can talk about “weight target” but not now. I don’t want to get too medical here either. Might scare people - and people might scare me “what,are you crazy?”.

Of course I am crazy,eating bacon and all!

But if I keep getting overall results like I’m getting now I will write a small book about it. My results are not much of a weight loss,not yet. I just feel so much healthier already.

To be continued. My winter (idle) calories may still be a tad low but they do vary. Absolutely not hungry at all,still a good appetite. Me likey.

EDIT: Here is my today,please excuse my finnish. I did very well like this for many years,high fat.