I'm not drinking? I'm not drinking!


It’s been 8 weeks now since any alcohol has touched my lips.

I never started out with the intention to quit drinking, but now that I know that I can survive without this old crutch of mine, I may as well keep on.

I’m hoping I’ll look back to this post if I find myself needing strength. I am not weak. Alcohol will not rule my life. Oh, liver of mine. Enjoy this peace xD

(J Nieuwland) #2

That’s so awesome :ok_hand:

(Robin) #3

You are among some experienced recovered alcoholics here, like myself.
Friends sometimes ask me if I think they have a problem with alcohol. Which I find funny… cuz they wouldn’t be asking unless there is a reason.

Anyway… my answer is always the same.
You will never regret giving it up.
But you may eventually regret that you did not stop, while you could.

Now that I am keto turned carni… I realize I should amend that.
“You won’t “regret” giving it up” doesn’t mean you won’t miss it. I miss lots of the foods that I gave up. But I don’t regret it.

Whatever… congrats! :tada:

(Shannon) #4

Great job, 8 weeks is no joke. I find that I can’t quite give it up. But, I try to go several days between drinks, and I have noticed that I drink a lot less now. Man, back before Keto, I could drink close to a bottle of wine in one evening, then do a whiskey night cap. But what sucks is that I really enjoy wine, especially red wine, and I like the whole pairing with food and finding different flavors in the varietals. But that much wine in one evening, plus eating all the carbs, just wrecked me with acid indigestion. I have to keep reminding myself of how miserable I was in those days and only enjoy it as an every once in a while treat.

But you go, that’s very impressive self-control.


Yep. That was always my poison of choice ; ) I love a good red. I’m not going to say that I’ll never touch alcohol again as that isn’t realistic. I genuinely enjoy it. But it must be controlled, and it’s truly amazing to know that even I, Miss Lush UK, can go so long without a drink and not go crazy xD

(Shannon) #6

One thing I’ve also reflected on is that now, that drink of alcohol isn’t the same psychological crutch that it once was. Previously, I was wanting that escapism it provides, not because my life is bad or anything, but it was nice to slow down some of the fretful thoughts one has in day to day life. I just don’t get the same response now. Sometimes I’ll take a sip of something, and I’ll think this doesn’t really taste that good, and the effect isn’t the same, and I don’t have anything to escape from. The brain effects of keto for me are really powerful, plus both my parents had/have Alzheimer’s, so I really hope keto can help me later in life hedging that a bit :crossed_fingers:.

(Bob M) #7

Not to mention that some of us (like me) get hit hard by a single drink, nowadays. Something about ketosis, I think.

(Pete A) #8

You may just forget about it!