I'm new and I think I'm DIRTY!

(Christopher Williams) #1

Hello friends. My name is Chris, I go by Kit. Of course like any new person I have a tone of questions… but first; my dirty confession. I’ve been doing keto for about 5 weeks now and am down a solid 15lbs or so (sorry I don’t do the kg thing ha). I have to admit that after a life of eating fast food and never feeling bad, I feel horrible about the extraordinary amount of fat I’m eating… what I’d like to do is through out what I eat and just solicit feedback fro all you pros! I tend to eat the same things everyday for about 5 days (m-f) and on the weekends tend to be less strict but nothing insane. So like my first 2 weeks I ate some sliced turkey and ham lunch meat, nothing fancy… just store brand, and rolled up over string cheese. I’d eat eggs in the AM and some pork butt with vinegar sauce (no sugar) kept carbs under 20g. Nothing felt too bad but now I’m not sure if I’m eating too dirty, though my carbs are still sub 20g. This week I have been eating about 2-3 brats through the day and chicken/broccoli with a homemade Alfredo sauce with heavy cream, I use a ton of coconut oil. I dont know why but i just feel dirty this Week. Like a fat slob eating brats… all i can think if are “Da Bears” skits and choking on a kielbasa! Haha. IS THERE SUCH THING AS A DIRTY KETO!!!

(Ethan) #2

This sounds like you’ve bought into the mainstream marketing campaign for the grain industry! They make people think that eating fat is bad because fat is fat–eat and and you become it! But we know that isn’t true. Try to think that you get to eat LESS and get MORE energy because fat is much more dense than carbs. You are actually being more efficient.

(Christopher Williams) #3

Even the brats though!? It can’t be!! Ha.

(Doug) #4

Would eat quite a few Kielbasas and Bratwursts if they were in front of me right now.

(Jim Russell) #5

I love bratwurst. I eat them pretty often. I’m not sure that eating them every day is a great idea, but there is nothing wrong with eating them.

If you’re stuck for what to eat, there is a whole forum for food. https://www.ketogenicforums.com/c/food

Lots of recipes and discussions about what to eat. Keto doesn’t have to be boring or the same thing every day. Unless that’s what you want. :slight_smile:

(Doug) #6

@Jimbo Jim, I didn’t know, so checked on Bratwurst and Kielbasa, and while some formulations are not totally zero-carb, they are very low.

(Good grief, why am I talking about food… :hushed::zipper_mouth_face: )

(Allie) #7

And now I know what you guys mean when you refer to “brats” because here in the UK, a brat is an unruly child :joy:

(Doug) #8

No shortage of those in the rest of the world, either, from what I have seen.

Allie, what’s the most applicable UK term, then, for a sausage that’s free from carbohydrates or nearly so? ‘Banger’?

(Allie) #9

Banger is just used for sausage, like bangers & mash for sausage & mash. We do get Bratwurst here now, but I’ve only just become aware of them as they don’t seem to be mainstream, but I’ve often heard “brats” being talked about in food context over recent years and always wondered what they were :smiley:

(Teresa Driver) #10

WHich are quite tasty too, depending on the sauce :rofl:

(Allie) #11

Bet you couldn’t eat a whole one though, at least not in one go :joy:

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #12

I’m not sure there is such a term. However, the other relatively common German-style sausage that you’ll find here is the Frankfurter. Whenever I’ve looked at the labels on these, they are usually pretty low in carbs. I found that my local Waitrose own-brand Frankfurters were the lowest in carbs of all the ones on offer.

“Banger” in the UK is just any kind of sausage, and comes from the days when people would fry them (probably in lard) in the pan, and they would very often burst with a “bang”. A lot of people will grill them nowadays (as they are terrified of fat), but of course I still fry mine (in CNO, not lard, not that I have anything against genuine lard). I don’t fry Frankfurters or Bratwurst: just warm them in a pan of water, or if I’m lazy, put them in a Pyrex jug, and pour boiling water on them and leave them for a bit. You can eat them cold if you want, but they are better hot or warm.

(My Dad was a butcher, and sausage-making was his speciality. He would usually refer to them as “bangers”).

(Sophie) #13

We have brats about once a week. They’re really good!

(Doug) #14

An unruly child?

(joievawter) #15

I get into food jags. This summer brats have been my go to, I love them. I can’t get enough of them. Eventually, I will have my fill and I probably won’t eat one for many months as I will be on a new food jag.
Before that, it was summer sausage & cheese. Before that, it was frittata.
Before that, bacon & whipped cream!
It all balances out eventually. I just keep the carbs, low, low, low. :slight_smile:

(Doug) #16

@joievawter Ha! That speaks to me - I often eat things one at a time on my plate, rather than alternating back and forth. I can see laying in a goodly store of bratwursts and going though them. Balance? Hey, let’s ‘moderate’ that balance and go hog wild on things once in a while.

Summer sausage and cheese - surely one of the diving combinations.

(Allie) #17

Yes an unruly child :grin:

(joievawter) #18


(Christopher Williams) #19

That’s great Jo, but are these grease packed fat pills that taste amazing and only slap 1 carb on me ok? Maybe I’m still in the shock of it all… I do love my BPC too!

(Jennifer) #20

I try to cook in bulk so it lasts for many meals - and then I don’t have to worry about cooking as often. Especially when I’m fasting - food in the fridge for the fam is a good thing. This week I made a ranch/bacon/spinach meatloaf and it was awesome. Ate it every day for lunch, lol…

Sonds like you are off to a good start - welcome!!