I'm a bad father

(Tom Seest) #1

I realize that I’m a bad father, and that I may get reported to Child Protective Services, but there are times when I wish my children were vegan or vegetarian so I could eat all the bacon…

(G. Andrew Duthie) #2

I’m the same way when I make keto treats. I’m torn between wanting my kids to eat what I made instead of the candy and other crap that is in our house at the holidays, and wanting the treats to last as long as possible.

(Larry Lustig) #3

In the real world, you’d probably be reported to CPS for feeding your kids too much bacon.

(Nathan Hall) #4

Sad, but true. Way to bring us down Larry. :blush:

(Melanie Marie) #5

Speaking of bringing us down…my children and I were cooking bacon recently, and we all just decided, together, that we don’t like bacon very much. None of us.

okay, phew. carry on.

(Keto in Katy) #6