I'll Say One Thing for CICO

(Jennifer Kleiman) #221

I love keto for hormone balancing, continuous physical and mental energy and the relief from cravings it’s given me. I absolutely believe that energy deficit is necessary for weight loss (acknowledging a few anecdotal exceptions). The trick is long-term maintenance though right? I can force weight loss through conscious PSMF but can I get my set-point adjusted to a lower level, or will I be fighting hunger/satiety signals? Right now PSMF is just as easy as fasting was, easier even, and I’m not really conscious of hunger or satiety signals so we’ll see.

(Kaiden) #222

I can no longer find the image on Google Image Search, but the forum post is Eating Fat to Satiety


@Paendora Were there voluptuously curved ancestors?

Hell yeah.
I would have been worshipped. :sunglasses: