If you don't have anything nice to say

(Terence Dean) #102

1994, first computer I owned was a Windows 3.1 DX2 486, trashed it within 24 hours because I stuffed around with the operating system, it took the techs two weeks to fix!! :rofl:

(Running from stupidity) #103


My first computer was an Apple II+ clone.

(Doug) #104

Always have had laptop computers - my first one died when I knocked over a glass of red wine onto it. :neutral_face:

(Terence Dean) #105

Ah you got an over-priced flower pot holder, nice!

(Running from stupidity) #106


(Terence Dean) #107

Who you calling CLONE!!!?? I bet Iā€™m the only person on the planet who managed to install OS2, and lived to admit it!! I still have the floppy disks!!

(Running from stupidity) #108

I used it for 3-4 months, I reckon, but it had the same issues as Windows Phone - lovely to use, nothing to use on it. If you donā€™t have the apps/software, youā€™re stuffed.

OTOH, one of our largest banks was using it as the front end up until just a few years ago.

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #109


(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #110

You guys are hilarious. I must get my computer geek friend @TomSeest in on this.

(Running from stupidity) #111

Iā€™m just worried that weā€™re violating the spirit of this thread :slight_smile:

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #112

Nope. Youā€™re good. Lol

(Terence Dean) #113

Ahah welcome Brenda, luv yer thread on the no keto rule book. Are you thinking of doing an update?

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #114

Oh my God does it need one? I failed as a ketonian! Whatever shall I do?

Seriously tho, I donā€™t think I need an updateā€¦ itā€™s working how it is. Do you have something youā€™d like to see added?

(TJ Borden) #115

Based on recent eventsā€¦ maybe a note about ignoring @Baytowvin. Apparently that guy is an asshole

(Terence Dean) #116

No need to call the lynch mob just yet, but I was just wondering whether you had thought of anything else to add. It works great as it is. Would you say the forums have a major problem with bullying?

(Running from stupidity) #117

No need for qualifiers.

(Really trying to get this thread back to where it started after took it for a bit of a detour)

(Tom Seest) #118

I started off in 1979 with an Atari 800 with a cassette deck for permanent storage. My lab partners in my high school programming class were Adam and Eve. I did all of the programming, and Adam did his best to keep Eve away from the Appleā€¦But, the rest is history. Man sinned and weā€™re all stuck dealing with Microsoft Windows. All because Eve wanted to carb loadā€¦

(Mike W.) #119

For the record Iā€™m not an asshole in real life. I do however have a low tolerance for people who want to be spoon-fed or people who want to be coddled after eating an entire birthday cakeā€¦

(Running from stupidity) #120

I was only off the wagon for ONE HOUR!

(Candy Lind) #121

Iā€™m certain the admins would want to know immediately if someoneā€™s feeling unwelcome. Please feel free to reach out to anyone with an admin badge on their profile pic! You will be able to see whoā€™s most active. Iā€™m sorry you feel like this - Iā€™ve found this forum to be absolutely wonderful, but it is going through some growing pains.