I walked my Marathon! (28 miles actually) Fasted!

(Kirk Wolak) #1

Hey everyone,
In May 2019 I met my target 190lbs. (117lbs lost), I actually hit 185 so I could claim the 120 lbs (LOL).

Anyways, 2 weeks ago, I walked my marathon. Fasted. Only drinking electrolytes. And I did a coffee and a 5hr energy as my Blood Pressure started dropping (Low BP when I exercise is a real issue, and halted me the last time I tried this. this time, I was prepared).

My wonderful daughter took time out of her day to pace me for a 2.5 mile loop towards the end.

Now I am focused on building muscle as I rebuild my body from the ground up.

As an FYI, I did notice that my ketones are low in the morning now. I must have made the last conversion Keto Adaptation, b/c fasting or exercise is the only way to drive them up!

(Failed) #2

Awesome! Congratulations! :tada:

(Susan) #3

Wow, Kirk, this is amazing! Well done =).

(Natasha) #4

Congratulations! What great achievements - the marathon and the 120lbs! How lovely that your daughter is so supportive too! :grinning:

(Central Florida Bob ) #5

Congratulations Kirk!

If I may say so, 28 miles is a long damned walk!

I’ve been bike riding for the last year after a long break, and I haven’t even ridden a bike 28 miles since I started back.

(Kirk Wolak) #6

Thank you.
I like to have a SIGNIFICANT goal.
I was going to RUN a marathon, but my joints don’t handle running for any distance. I can sprint, and walk, but even that tears up my feat ankles and knees. My low back, etc.

So I lowered the bar to walking a marathon. I overdid it a bit to make sure I did not technically MISS the mark.

Next, I am bulking up some muscle. After that, I want to see how far I can walk inside of 16hrs. My goal is 1.5 Marathons ~40 miles, and I would LOVE to do 2 marathons of walking in a single day. At least 50 miles. That will be the top end for endurance for me, unless I can suddenly start handling running/jogging to cut time time down.

Riding a bike is only a little easier. Especially into a strong wind like we can get in Florida. I like the mindless walking and listening to podcasts or Audible Books.

Thanks again… Now what’s your goal?

(PSackmann) #7

My goal is to walk the Boston Marathon course–I read they offer a walking event on the same course. It will take some building up, but I think I can do it by 2021…
Curious, how long did your marathon take you?

(Kirk Wolak) #8

Okay, I have a 2.5 mile loop around my neighborhood. I allocated 12 hrs to finish. It took me 10rs and 20 minutes, I started an hour late (I slept in a bit). I actually only walked for just under 9hrs. So I took a few breaks, I had to ice my feet. I had to change shoes to a larger size as they were swelling,but I avoided getting blisters! (I did chaffe my nips a bit, LOL. That’s actually a thing)

It took me a while. I failed at the 20 mile mark once before a couple of months ago. My BP Crashed and took me down. Doing it fasted… I used caffeine strategically this time to keep my BP elevated enough to get me through. I monitored at least every 5 miles. Later I stopped every 2.5 mile loop. It certainly gets harder as the day goes on. I also got a couple of rain delays.

So, it took me a couple of solid months (say 3-4) to train up to this. Keeping in mind that the first time I did 10 miles, I had blisters, and tons of problems, and was still finishing my weight loss efforts. 2 weeks before this, I did 10 miles like walking in a park. A tiny blister from a brand new pair of shoes! (Shoes I wore on my actual walk).

I alternated between walking daily (2.5 - 5 miles), and then EOD 5 miles, weekend pushes of 10-15 miles over 2 days, all fasting, taking electrolytes, and experimenting with things to keep my BP from crashing… A 5hr energy poured into a bottle of water, sipped while walking is good for about 7.5 miles, maybe 10, depending on the heat, etc.

I read about how to train for a marathon (Couch to Marathon, Couch to 5K) and based it roughly on that. Pulsing my workouts. The best part is that I am never more than ~1.25 miles from the house.

I will use this same route for my 50 miler push (I really should do 62 miles so I get 100km)… My wife is from Europe… LOL

(traci simpson) #9

Awesome! you should come to VA and do the Marine Corps Marathon! its in two weeks!

(April Harkness) #10

Congrats! gives virtual hifive. What an accomplishment!!

(PSackmann) #11

Awesome accomplishment, now that the weather is cooler I’m feeling inspired to get back to training. I like the idea of doing one locally, nice safety net just in case.