I took the SV plunge!

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #23

Down in Austin, John GL, aka The Alcoholian, is your man, Darren. He’s one of my mentors in SV.

Can’t link his web page, because it won’t open on my work comp.

(Sophie) #24

Love your little carnivore! :heart_eyes::smile:

(Sophie) #25

@CandyLindTX SV is a big learning curve but once you get the hang of it, it’s an amazing device and worth every penny to add one to your kitchen arsenal. I keep a page of cooking notes: what I cooked, temp, how long, whether it was worth a [spoiler]shit[/spoiler], how I finished it and any ideas about the next cook on all the meats or canning that I’ve done in my SV. Makes life a lot simpler to reference back instead of always searching temps/times anew. It also gives you a clear idea of what you like or don’t. Have fun and keep us posted on your experiments! :+1:


Hey, Thanks for that! :+1:

(Candy Lind) #27

We need to have a meet-up of people who frequent this forum! I know there are plenty of keto folks around here, but I tried going to a meet-up I read about, and I either had the date/time wrong or something, because I never found anyone. :cry:

(Sophie) #28

You know they have Ketofest but that’s too far north for me and I’m sure I’m not the only one. We need to have a southern version in a convenient mid-south location for all of us in the balmy climes!

(Candy Lind) #29

Actually, I was talking about Austin, since apparently @dlc96_darren is here and I know of a few others. But I say, we all should look for support and camaraderie! :muscle:


Actually, Candy, I’m in Amarillo, but I have In-Laws in Austin!

(Candy Lind) #31


ER-MEH-GURD!! Absolutely miraculous. Seared in a mix of bacon nectar & butter. :heart_eyes: Not bad for my first try!

What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

MAN, those look wonderful!

Now I’m hungry. :drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:

(Sophie) #33

Awesome!!! :heart_eyes::+1:


:cow: I look delicious

(Sophie) #35

How about we think on New Orleans? I’d be willin to drive from Chattanooga down there for some Keto love and extracurricular activities. :wink::smile::laughing::smile:

(Candy Lind) #36

LOL! I am so up in the air with my thumb surgery, I can’t plan a trip of any distance. Otherwise I’d be all-in! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


She’s a cutie pie! :smile:

(Candy Lind) #38

Thanks everyone for comments, especially @LeCheffre. Such a great knowledge base here!! I’m going back to re-read a lot of the Sous Vide threads to become better acquainted.


Ohh, yummy! Looks fantastically delicious!!! :yum::yum::kissing_heart:

(Running from stupidity) #40

Awesome, in fact.

Sous vide (and a good pan) is the key to making restaurant-quality food/meat super-easy.

(Carpe salata!) #41

Hoo eee momma! You totally nailed that steak :smile:

Also, in the keto world you know they’re called meat-ups :laughing:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: