I need the gainz!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #21

I tend to overdo the arms just because it’s easier and more fun. Squats? Lunges? Yuck. But I do them. Any ab work is fun too.


Haha, I feel you.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #23

Oops. You made it perfectly clear. I was focused on the exercises, not the days. Sorry.


Easy, you don’t!

Nope! And you should’t. No point in loosing and NOT gaining muscle (and possibly loosing some) when you could be doing both! How you go about it specifically depends on your current weight and body fat now vs where you want to end up but it starts by eating more. Less than 1000 calories is too little for sedentary people, let alone active people and ESPECIALLY for people working out!

YUP! My best example of that is loosing 12lbs of fat and gaining 7lbs of muscle, bodpod’s before and after in 90 days. To be fair that 90 days really worked in my favor for some reason but in any case I did it. What are your goals specifically? Muscle gain? Tone up? More crossfit style workouts?

(Allie) #25


(Allie) #26

@Regina I HATE leg training so wasn’t doing it as much as I should’ve done, but have found a workaround that suits me well. Now I do 20 bodyweight squats every time I go into the toilet at work, and rebounding (mini trampoline) as that works all the leg muscles too - just listen to a favourit podcast or music and bounce. Also I’ve bought roller skates as a more fun way of working those leg muscles. Only used them once so far as it’s just too hot for getting dressed up in safety pads and a helmet at the moment, but as soon as things have cooled down I’ll be out more.

I still do a more traditional leg day once or twice (most often once) a week, but these other methods are having a benefit for sure.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #27

Thanks. Fun ideas, especially the mini tramp!!

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #28

Hey, thanks for that! :slight_smile:

(Shane Pils) #29

i have had good results, I mix IF with ensuring that I am getting all my macs in also. fasting will increase the growth hormones your body produces and the fats and proteins will fuel and help rebuild those muscles you are growing.

and the weight loss defines the progress rather well.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #30

The gainz are coming!

Shit pic but you get my drift lol