I’m FURIOUS! Class Action Lawsuit? Attorneys, please weigh in

(Valerie) #51

It gets me every single time one of my kids’ coaches comments about water and Gatorade being okay to bring to practice but not soda. :woman_facepalming::rage:

(Pete) #52

The AHA and ADA are private, aren’t they? How would the taxpayer be involved? Am I missing something?

(Jeanne Wagner) #53

@collaroygal I would agree with you now with the available studies and the amazing books that have come out in that last 10 years, but in yesterday’s world (30+ yrs ago), the studies all pointed to those survey results. Only those who knew to look for the damning or ommitted evidence knew they were bunk. Those were the few that held out in their fat is good beliefs. However, their voices were silenced to the general public. The Atkins Diet was never an option for me, because the outcry was so fierce against it, they had all kinds of doctors and nutritionists saying you would destroy your kidnesy if you went on it. Call me stupid and ignorant, but I was terrified by that news (nevermind I never heard of any stories of people destroying thei kidneys through the diet), and never even considered it. In fact, back 12 yrs ago when I heard about Atkins, that is when I was trying the Halleluja Diet. :roll_eyes: I was pro-vegetarian/vegan at that time and very against Atkins. Now I know differently. I think we all come to this information in our own way and in our own time. But I have to say, I have a big bone to pick with Mr. Ancel Keys, may he rest in peace. Even he doesn’t deserve eternal hell, but I could go with Purgatory.

(Consensus is Politics) #54

So true. It’s human nature NOT to admit you were wrong, especially with overwhelming evidence calling you out. I.E. kid standing on the kitchen counter with hand in cookie jar, and face covered in crumbs, saying in a muffled voice, “No…phh, I’m not eating cookies mphhh…”

It takes character to break that. Something the seems be like a dirty word now since Bill Clinton was president. (His supporters during his campaigns, “character is meaningless and outdated”

(Consensus is Politics) #55

Indeed. Unfortunately that is something the rest of the world followed us in. Believe it or not, there was a time when the USA had the ear of the world listening. I was stationed in Korea in the late 1990’s. Every Korean I met without fail loved everything American. I had a girlfriend who would always ask to go on base to buy things. Not because they were cheaper, mostly it cost almost twice as much, but because she could “choose” the items that were made in America :cowboy_hat_face:.

Now we hear constant bickering about how things are done here. In my opinion, it’s all brought on by politics, and fake news. By fake news I include things such as omission of news parallel to a story because it doesn’t fit with the current agenda, such as gun violence in schools. But only when it’s white kids getting shot. Leaving out the schools were more kids are killed in the inner city schools, where mostly black kids get killed. Not to mention school standings that go on in a near hourly basis.

/ -off soapbox

(Consensus is Politics) #56

I suppose I should link to my own rant. It was quite extensive. Same milieux as yours. Brb… looking for it…

But wait, there’s more…

(Consensus is Politics) #57

So, if the government promoted smoking as being more healthy that not smoking, they would have no liability’s? Either way, smoking or high carb, they are out right lying.

There are mechanisms that allow for the suing of government even though they have an immunity clause. Malicious intent needs to be proved. Or ignoring the general populations health in order to line ones pockets. But those are gonna be tough to prove being so long ago now.

In my opinion, the very act of making it a big display would be of great value. Expose the lie. People will get it. The HFLC side will bring undeniable evidence, ACTUAL EVIDENCE, while the LF side will bring platitudes, bumper stickers, and name calling. With no evidence that shows what they have been saying is true. They willl bring tons of evidence, it just won’t be relavent. It would be brought in simply to overburden the system and make it impossible to actually go anywhere. But in the end, the truth will be exposed. The light will make the cock roaches scurry away in fear.


Actually, if you were in school after McGovern mandated these guidelines, your school fed you based on it and you didn’t have a choice.

Not saying suing is a good idea, I think immunity a better idea so these horrible guidelines can get changed ASAP!


I totally agree!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #60

Let’s crush the bstrds.
Expose them.
Class action lawsuit against the ADA.
What say you?
Strictly for exposure.

(Doug) #61


Saint Brenda (by George…)?

(Mike Glasbrener) #62

*/Snark On

Kill ‘em all! Let’s not forget Key’s role! He delivered the recommendations to McGovern. Let’s round up the sugar execs to! What about the soft drink execs and the cereal execs with their tv shows marketing sugary breakfast cereals to kids?..

Snark Off*/

I’d be happy with sound acknowledged science about diet. It’s very clear sugar is just down right unhealthy! It’s a drug! Many people poorly tolerate refined grains. Fruit and veggies? It depends, n=1 studies are required. It’d be great if doctors would be skilled and help patients with n=1 experimentation… Also, get the gov’t the hell out of the business. Kill sugar tariffs, farm subsidies etc…

(Doug) #63

Right on, Mike.

Agreed too on fruits and vegetables - lots of personal variation, and I think many people would be better off, there, than after they get metabolically compromised by the effects of so many refined carbohydrates.

Also, on this forum just recently people have been discussing the difference between eating the whole fruit versus drinking the juice.

Years back, a cool autumn day - I’d set a jug of apple cider out on the back steps. Working away, getting thirsty, ah the cool sweetness. Drink the entire gallon, 460 grams net carbohydrates from that alone. :neutral_face:

It would be a different thing to eat 1/3 of a bushel or ~7 kg of apples. :smile:

(Mike Glasbrener) #64

After reading tubes book “Why we get fat” I was done with juice… It’s just another scheme to sell sugar and excess fruit by calling it healthy. I abhor the more recent claims this crap pomwonderful claims. Pomogranete juice. It’s just another fucking sugar bomb being marketed as healthy. This crap has to stop. It’s clearly not for most if not all of their customers!

(Aimee Moisa) #65

I’m super pissed and all I’ve read of The Obesity Code is Noakes’ forward. I’m not anticipating any real pleasure reading on just fuming anger.

(karen) #66

… on one hand I don’t think you’d ever win a lawsuit against AMA, ADA, AHA or any other A*A, and it’s not reasonable to expect McGovern’s heirs to pay, any more than it would be reasonable to expect you to pay for some mistake your grandfather made. It doesn’t matter if he was rich, it’s still not reasonable.

However, bringing a lawsuit against A*A’s might, finally, force issues into the light and create an environment where they would be willing to drop some bs in favor of evidence based medicine. It’s all about the money, and making the status quo more expensive than a new common sense protocol may be the only viable way to effect change.

(Aimee Moisa) #67

I have only two more things to say about this subject.

#1 - the experiment is over and someone has to pay for all the needless deaths, injury, and misery caused by politics and greed.

#2 - I want an apology from all the people, friends especially, who ate exactly what I ate but didn’t have the misfortune of getting fat and told me that I had to stop eating so much and treated me like a sloth because I was fat and they weren’t, even though they were doing the same things and eating the same things as I was

(Sarah Slancauskas) #68

Thanks for posting these links about the APOE4 genes. I have them and am trying to get as much information as I can.

(Kate ) #70

I’m right in the middle of it, and holy hell, you are correct: RAGE.

(KetoQ) #71

School lunches are based on what is profitable for the food vendors to serve. Yes, there are “healthier” choices, but I think they are purposely made less appetizing so the kiddies get in the other line to buy things like sodas, chips and pizza.

Plus, it’s amazing how many of these jr and sr high kids drink coffee. I didn’t start drinking it until my senior year of college.