I love bacon

(Doug) #21

This is a great idea, K. :slightly_smiling_face::sunglasses::clap:

For ā€˜mass productionā€™ the papertowels speed things up, but I never thought of not using them, and next time Iā€™m going with your suggestion.


Totally because of fat phobia and itā€™s how we were always taught to do it in the microwave. What a waste of paper and grease. Lol. Iā€™m starting to never use paper towels even when removing from a skillet. I just place it directly on a plate.

My husband thinks Iā€™m gross because all day after making bacon in a skillet I sneak big finger swipes of the cooled grease in the pan. Itā€™s sooooo yummy and flavorful. I just donā€™t understand why he think itā€™s gross. But then he cuts away every speck of fat from any meat we eat and piles it in my plate. I love it because I love the flavor. He is missing out

(KM) #23

If there are no witnesses Iā€™ve been known to actually lick the pan.


As I wrote, I just fry eggs in it, needed for the super tasty bacon anywayā€¦ But yep, itā€™s lard. I donā€™t prefer it over the lard I render out of fatty pork but itā€™s lard with extra flavor so of course I would use it up for cooking if I had any leftover bacon fat. I use all and every kind of edible fat for cooking except tallow (thatā€™s for animals, yuck! hate the taste. except when itā€™s together with its meat, somehow that works) and olive oil with cheese in it originally (very strong taste. I put Camembert cheese into it until it runs out).

Lard is my number one and almost only cooking fat :slight_smile: One way (I just use some fatty pork item) or another (using rendered out stuff from earlier). I like lard. My SO donā€™t. Fine, he can eat tasteless coconut oil instead. But we have schmalz sometimes as well :slight_smile:

By the wayā€¦ Canā€™t one make bacon in an air fryer? Itā€™s pretty rhetorical, of course one can.
I bought one lately and now I put nearly everything into it :smiley: (It turned out I have a toaster nowā€¦ Never had one.) Itā€™s fun. I still would fry bacon in a pan, itā€™s quick and easy, after all but I canā€™t imagine it wouldnā€™t work in the air fryerā€¦ AND that way I would lose more fat and more salt. Both sounds useful to me though I could handle the fat but itā€™s not necessary.

The microwave would be the last thing I would think about when it comes to making bacon but I never tried, just extrapolate from my experience with other things where I wanted a crunchy resultā€¦ Pan simply worked wonderfully, I saw the happenings, could turn the pieces and admire them, itā€™s quickā€¦

But why? You donā€™t put it on someone elseā€™s plate or somethingā€¦ Itā€™s yours :smiley: Oneā€™s finger isnā€™t gross to the same person (or if it is, they just shouldnā€™t do it) :smiley:
Anyway, sometimes it feels good not to act like a lady AT ALL :wink:

(E P) #25

If you like small batches, air fryer takes 10 min and contains all the grease splatter. Then pour the drippings into the fat jar.

(C) #26

I cook mine in the oven. I cook 2 lbs at a time and just have it on hand.

(Edith) #27

I save the fat from anything that ends up with rendered fat. For example, if I make pot roast, I save the extra sauce and chill it. Then, I save the fat that solidifies in the top of the sauce. Same goes for making chicken broth, Any fat that solidifies on the surface during cooling gets saved.

I braised some pork should a few weeks ago and it had quite the fat cap. I removed the fat cap and rendered it down into lard. It had quite the nice meaty flavor to it.

I have a jar to which I frequently add bacon fat. I just use a strainer and pour the fat into the jar.

I rarely use any oil for cooking on the stove any more. Itā€™s mostly the rendered fat I saved.

(Denise) #28

I havenā€™t been saving the fat, but I will do this with my roasts, bacon etc. I wonā€™t save a bunch as I donā€™t know how long it keeps in fridge, or whether or not I can freeze some. Iā€™ve been questioning whether or not to stick with the olive oil. This could be an option, thanks much Edith :slight_smile: Denise

(Berta) #29

Best way to make bacon I have found is to twist it tight and bake it. It is next level yummy :bacon::relieved: then I freeze and allow myself 4 slices a day. :raised_hands:t3:

(Chris) #30

No coverā€¦


Twist it tight? Can you explain a bit more because Iā€™m imagining twisting it and having it tear apart or not hold the twist. LOL


I always cook at least 1-2 pounds of bacon in one sitting. The oven produces the best results with this amount. Very little shrinkage. 325F for about 20 minutes. Flip after 15 minutes. Perfect. If cooking on a stove, lower your heat. Most people cook bacon on too much heat, which leads to shrinkage and overcooked bacon. Bacon is cooked on the weekends when there is little rushing around. It is certainly worth the wait.

(Berta) #33

Lol! They are actually very stretchy you just take it between two fingers and stretch and twist in the opposite directions and then slam it down in the pan beside each other. Just squish them up. Or do them separated, even if they unravel a little bit thatā€™s OK. Try to do them tight. They taste better that way. :+1:t2::relieved:

(Berta) #34

Interestingly enough, you donā€™t have to cover them in your oven and they wont splatter everywhere it was the question that I asked when I first made it and it was fine.

(Berta) #35

Iā€™ve always heard that you need to flip them, but I donā€™t. I just cook them for a really long time until theyā€™re a darker well cooked color.

(Jane) #36

I always drained my bacon on paper towels becauseā€¦ā€¦ reasons. And it was how we were taugt to fear saturated fat.

Fast forward to the Covid paper-towel shortagesā€¦ā€¦ I realized how silly it was and stopped doing it. No more wasting paper towels or losing bacon grease to something I was going to throw away!


I was taught not to waste food :slight_smile: So I donā€™t. I am quite serious about it. Our food waste is almost zero, sometimes a veggie gets partially rotten, itā€™s painful so we do our best to avoid even that few times per year (and now I donā€™t even eat vegs and my SO eats less too).
If itā€™s edible, I eat it, no matter what. I understand if someone isnā€™t THAT extreme but I canā€™t and donā€™t want to help it. For carbier things I have my SO, I am good at putting almost anything into something else so it wonā€™t be noticeable (he knows itā€™s in it as I tell him, itā€™s not the reason to mask and hide but the not desirable taste and texture. sometimes we buy something really bad and we must use it up. good thing most things lasts for very long, we may need the years).
But animal stuff (except tallow but I gave them to animals when I had it)? Precious!!!

Mom never used a paper towel and I donā€™t do it either. We always, always ate all the fat in the food. I mentioned somewhere that when we fried potatoes, we ate all the fat along with it (we made it an art form to fry potatoes in super tiny fat in a pan). I am not like that anymore, I mean, I often donā€™t eat the rendered out fat when I cook fatty meat but of course, itā€™s too fatty. Poor potatoes and vegs needed all the fat they got! (One reason I ate so much fat. My huge amounts of vegs brought an insane amount. They needed more. Potatoes are edible even without fat. WAY better with some fat, of course. Vegs without fat wasnā€™t my style except eating some raw alone.)

I donā€™t believe in overcooked bacon. That is probably what I call perfect or near perfect that needs some more frying. Except if itā€™s charcoal, that is too much even for me but itā€™s not hard to avoid. If the bacon has any flexibility left, itā€™s undercooked for me.
I have this with most food. Boiled eggs are impossible to overcook too (unless one puts REALLY much effort or absent-mindedness into it. eventually it becomes charcoal too but even we couldnā€™t do that. the most was evaporating the water and the eggs got a bit burnt spot, still good. itā€™s another matter I donā€™t like hard-boiled eggs very much but itā€™s still okay and useful and at least I can peel them). And I am very sensitive to undercooked liver. They need 30-60 minutes except beef (and probably other ruminant) liver. Of course much depends on the heat, cooking method, I need 30 minutes in a pan and used 60 in an oven.

Each to their own :slight_smile: I know many likes their non-crunchy bacon, there is nothing wrong with that. I have some items where I strongly prefer even a raw state (of course when itā€™s pork, itā€™s well-smoked therefore safe).

Erm I wrote almost nothing about baconā€¦ But I eat it so very rarelyā€¦ I have a package in my fridge right now, I should use it at some pointā€¦ Whenever there is a sale and half a year passed from the last time I ate some, I buy a package and then I forget about it. This time I didnā€™t, I just had too much smoked pork to eat firstā€¦ (I have two cured pork belly piece too, I prefer those over bacon BUT the crunchy thin frilly strips have their charm.)

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #38

This sounds about right. However, you mention ā€œbetween two plates,ā€ and this method will get china plates really hot. Be careful! I us a sort of oval casserole dish with a glass top, big enough that the handles donā€™t get excessively hot (and if they do, pot-holders will take care of them). The casserole also allows me to pour off the liquid fat into a container for later use, without spilling it all over the stove, lol! :scream:

(KM) #39

I basically always use a second plate rather than plastic wrap to keep things from splattering in the nuker. But I can see your point, a small amount of food and almost no water could definitely overheat the wrong crockery. (Corelle is excellent in the microwave, otoh I have some cups that simply canā€™t go in.)

(Doug) #40

Paul, that too sounds like a really good idea. :sunglasses:

A plate and paper towels are good for ā€˜mass production.ā€™ I used three plates; as soon as one batch was done, in goes another. While that one is cooking, the others are cooling, being unloaded, having the paper towels changed if necessary, and being reloaded for the next go-round. The microwave almost never stops. Each batch was around 2/3 of a pound or 300 grams.

Butā€¦ I really have no reason to be in a hurry, and why use up a whole bunch of paper towels and lose the nectar?