I failed yesterday

(Jose Rodriguez) #1

I ate breakfast 4 whole grain blueberry pancakes with butter and lite syrup, then ate a breaded chicken with mayo, then dinner I had 2 ramen noodle soup with tuna. I did go to sleep at 8:30 and I plan on fasting til 1pm today. I’m in for a bad week I feel it.
I need to research how to make mayo or can I eat regular mayo n butter from the store?

(Bud Zimmerman) #2

Don’t he so hard on yourself. You didn’t fail. Keto is more a way of eating and not a diet and we all have fallen off that wagon from time to time. You just get back on and pick it up again. It happens. My binge since I stated 7 weeks ago was a week and a half ago when I got really good numbers from my doctor on my blood work. To celebrate, I had a dinner with a lot of the foods that I missed. Went from 25 carbs a day to about 250 in that one meal. Hopefully, I won’t binge that badly again but I know that I will occasionally have some of the things that I still miss. As for the mayo, you can make your own but just read the labels. You can find some that are really good.

(Jose Rodriguez) #3

Thanks for the reply, it’s Monday and I’m going to treat it as a restart. It’s early and all I’ve had is some coffee/ no sugar. I’ll last til 1pm. And start off again with some :avocado: & bacon for lunch. Remind myself that’s what I need to be having. 0 carbs this week.

(Nick Eagle) #4

Get dukes real mayo! And dont beat your self up! We are all human.

(Lynne Hurley Perry) #5

Keep calm and keto on as the dudes say. How do you get back on track? Bacon and eggs!


Sometimes we need the reminder of how bad we feel when we eat carbage.

(Gargantuan B. Widebody) #7

I would not call that a fail, I would call that a detour. I have learned to accept that while in our minds we want to pretend like from where we are to our goals is a straight line, but it’s not. It’s a long windy, twisty road with ups, down, detours and road construction. As long as you get back on the road you did not fail.

Now eating tuna with ramen, that I would definitely call a fail :smiley:

(Jose Rodriguez) #8

It’s 3:53pm haven’t eaten since 8:30pm last night. Headed home now to get my :bacon: back on track today.