I can tan!

(Stickin' with mammoth) #1

Went for a walk without sunscreen, got red-faced, and woke up the next day dewy and fresh, no sunburn.

Two days after that, went walking again without sunscreen and felt the tell-tale burning on my cheekbone. Woke the the next day with a slight tan there! This is Twilight Zone/Outer Limits weird for somebody who used to dread the sun like Dracula.

Bonus: For the first time in my life, I’m flossing without pain and a bloody string of floss laying in the trash afterwards.

I’ve been keto almost three years but all of the above happened after I went carnivore for a month. Can’t wait to see what other goodies manifest.

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #2

I was SAD for the first 43.5 years of my life, and now that I’ve found this WOE I’m learning that EVERYTHING that was troublesome for me before was because of the SAD. Sunburns too? It makes sense since that was all inflammation. I used to get beet red in the sun even with sunblock, and the red would fade the next day - I was just turning red from inflammation due to the sunblock. So glad I found you all :purple_heart:

(Stickin' with mammoth) #3

Me, too! I hate that stuff, especially on my face. It feels like a mild chemical burn seconds after going on.