HyperIce / Vyper

(Michelle) #1

Yesterday at my gym, I tired the “HyperIce Vyper” foam roller. Now, before you go rolling your eyes, hear me out.

I lift weights about 3x a week and have been lifting my whole life. Love weights. As the years start to creep up, I find that I need more and more stretching and recovery. I have foam rollers, I was taught how to properly foam roll by someone that was certified, yada yada yada. Foam rollers are great, but this is a true game changer.

It vibrates when you roll, and man oh man, it feels sooooooo good on those tired muscles. My gym only has one, and you have to drop your ID in order to get to use it. Well, me being me, I quickly came home and bought one. That’s how amazing this thing was. And, you can use it on your back, quads, hammies, etc. I’m in love with this thing.

Just thought I’d share. If your gym has one, I highly encourage you to give it a try. Especially if your age starts with a 5. :smile:

(Bacon for the Win) #2

I’m sure I would manage to hurt myself trying to use that.

(eat more) #3

i ended up getting a rumble roller because i figured the intense short pain was better than giving up halfway through a standard foam roller…
honestly i couldn’t tell you the last time i rolled or used my lacrosse ball…my body can tell you it’s not happy about it lol

(Jake P) #4

I use one of these, it hurts so good.

(Michelle) #5

Yes!! Hurts so good :wink: