How I listen to the podcast

(chris) #1

I have a 40 min drive to work and then back so I download all the episodes from 2ketodudes and other keto related podcasts and listen to them as I drive.

(Ren) #2

Prior to my move I had a 1hour 15min - 1hour 30min commute to work. So that is about 2.5-3 hours a day. I listened to so many podcasts.

Now I live 15minutes away from work. I make sure to get my podcast fix while doing work around the house.

(chris) #3

I started listening to them in Feb. and I also listen to ketovangelist, smart drugs smart, Joe Rogan experience and a few others I have found on the Stitcher app on android.

(Ren) #4

JRE is in my rotation of podcasts as well.

2ketodudes, JRE, Dave Ramsey Show, TED talks, Radiolab, Jocko Podcast are all on rotation. JRE, Dave Ramsey Show, and Jocko Podcast all last 2-3 hours, so that takes up a big chunk of my time!

I definitely prefer to listen to podcast than watch TV.

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #5

My vehicles don’t have built-in audio storage, but I finally found a use for the growing pile of old smartphones…I re-purpose them as car media players and home internet radio/podcast players. 2KD is pretty much where ever I go now. :smile:


Yes, recycling older phones works a treat. An old 3G iPhone is my “iPod”. I use it for relaxation music to fall asleep and I have tons of music on it and it works in the car for long rides.

(ianrobo) #7

easy for me, on the bike

(chris) #8

When I make dinner I listen to sci-fi audio dramas like star trek outpost, star trek the lost frontier, wolf 359