How does your typical day looks like with respect to food?



Well I am relieved to hear that and it sounds like you are pretty clued up to getting yourself in good health. Personally, I think some of these macro calculators are unnecessarily complicated where it can be really simple. It sounds like you eat a good varied diet and I would suggest maybe going by feel for a while. You have probably been tracking for long enough now to have a good idea what is in what? Maybe trust your instincts for a bit and see what happens? Keep your carbs at 20g net or below, eat moderate protein within the range that works for you. It is perfectly acceptable for this to vary a bit and I would try responding to your body. It might be that your body is signalling to you that it needs more protein that day because you have been exercising or maybe the time of the month. If you find cravings and consumption start spiralling then that will tell you something too. I would keep a journal recording what you eat and when (and when you fast) but note all the other things that go on too - mood, sleep, stress levels, exercise, hormonal stuff, etc. And then fat… well, eat fat to satiety. Again, you need to be aware of what is real satiety and what is head hunger. By focusing less on the macros and stats, I feel that you might get more in tune with what is going on. I also operate within a small weight range and I do not worry at all if I go up or down a kg or two. I weigh daily and see weird and unexplained fluctuations all the time - it shows me how irrelevant they are! Women’s weight and cravings wax and wane and I think it is worth just trying to tune in and roll with it - see what you notice.

(Zu) #14

your so right… After 30 days of fasting TWICE I was pretty bummed that I never experienced true real hunger.

i think what is attributing to my over eating of fat, is the fact that I havent yet hit my protein macros right, I never really get the amount I need so there is a niggle in me… and for some reason I slather it with fat.


It is certainly important to get the protein in the range that works for you. Be wary of taking it too high with a history of insulin resistance though. “Slathering with fat” sounds a bit like old fat phobias rearing up! It’s all about the balance - the balance that works for you.

(Zu) #16

I think this is right and you have hit the nail on the head> I havnt quite eaten enough protein… I think when I get the right amount my desire to be so fatty will adjust. So a fatty freerange chicken it will be the next time I eat (not tomorrow - Fasting - but the day after)…
After I am steady with my protein Im sure things will settle.

I probs need to drink more water too.

I guess I should just stick to the carbs below 20g and be fair with the fat… but not overly, and be a bit more ridgit when I have the protein thing in full swing.

Im grateful for your help, very kind of you!!

(Zu) #17

Yes. So I think that carbs should be 20g
The protein can be from 45 to maybe 55 at the higher end depending on activity
and the fat? well I like fat lots… So maybe 110g = 1000 cals or less
takes me to just under 1300 cals… sound right?

Would I gain? maintain? or deficit ? I dont know? N=1 ???


Definitely go for all the fatty meats! and the skin - yummy :slight_smile:

A podcast that you might find interesting is the episode with Megan Ramos…

If you are fasting regularly, maybe bring in some feasting days on the run up to each fast?

(Allie) #19

No need to count calories, just keep carbs below 20g, be sure to hit your protein, then eat fat to satisfy your hunger. It really is that simple :slight_smile:

(Sonia A.) #20

This !

I only want to add that you shouldn’t trust your scale. It’d be better to take measurements (waist, chest, hips, thighs and arms).

(Zu) #21

For Real? so as long as I do this I will not store fat?
Ok, I know over-eating fat is quite hard and It is slowly teaching me body a greater sensitivity satiety - but my body seems to have the highest threshold for fat I have ever seen… So doe this mean that say Im below my limit for carbs, and meeting my protein, that I can have as much fat as I truly feel like? because that is sometimes an alarming amount? like I am sure I have easily at some points in my life eaten 2000 cals of just fat in a day?
how would my body use all of that without gaining?

(Richard Morris) #22

It’s contextual, some people like Sam Feltham can eat up to 5000 kCal / day and still lose weight. Others can eat under 1000 kCal / day and still put it on.

One factor is how much insulin on average they have in circulation during the day. If your insulin is on average greater than 13 mIU/l then your body fat won’t be contributing much energy and your body will give you more hunger signals and if you don’t respond it’ll slow your metabolic rate. If your insulin spends the day on average below 13 then body fat is contributing to your satiation signalling, and you will have abundant energy at your disposal.

Of course some food (protein about half as much as from carbs) will raise insulin, and a ketogenic diet is one that reduces as much as possible the need for insulin.

Your personal hunger/satiation signals will set up a homeostasis to make sure you are adequately fueled, with insulin status setting the levels of how much energy you reserve to store. It’s kind of like you are in a climate controlled room and hunger is the heater and satiation is the A/C and the temperature in the room is how much body fat you store and the thermostat controlling that is how much insulin you make … on average.

If you get to satiety and then eat beyond that … then all bets are off. Your homeostasis will likely try to use more calories for random stuff like giving you crazy legs or making your temperature around your collar bones run a little hotter … but you will also store some of that excess energy. Satiation is key and a ketogenic diet allows us to start to trust that signal again after a lifetime of it being deranged by carbs.

Oh one other thing, you may think your ideal weight is X but your body may think it is Y … your body is factoring in 1000s of factors and optimizing for reproductive survival. I doubt many human bodies optimize for visible abdominals, and most when not deranged by glucose appear to optimize for a gladiator physique with adequate subcutaneous fat to buffer against both weapons and starvation.

If you want body fat lower then you’ll have to trick your body into accepting a non-optimal amount of body fat.

Protein gluconeogenesis triggers bingeing?
(Zu) #23

A women after my own heart. What better part of the chicken is there? and the cartilage. I enjoy eating meat specifically fromm off the bone its more primally satisfying. none of this dainty slice it away nicely from the bone stuff. defeats the purpose of eating meat lol. Thank God i will be in the privacy of my home lol.

Any ideas for kept gravy thickener? lol… Skin is the best., and I do like an almond meal stuffing. On my eating day (tomorrow) This is what I will be doing…

Soooo off topic but do you think LSA would thicken my gravy?

(Zu) #24

How would one establish this?

I have accidentally done this being coerced to just have one more by a well meaning child… I corrected by just fasting the next day and a half as I truly could not eat more than that until I left it a good while. would this have corrected me somewhat?

I actually do that on purpose because I have freakishly low blood pressure and I suffer from cold extremities, and general coldness. when I eat a good amount of fat I can actually appear to be running a fever and be extremely comfortable - as opposed to when I fast and I sleep with several doonas, sub zero ski jackets, and sheep skins and still shiver blue.

Yes, after my first 30 day fast carbs did derange my perfectly balanced satiety. I was 40kg and was in desperate need of gaining weight… Went the carb path (after being quasiketo) and it seriously messed up my life. NEVER again will I try to bulk on carbs. fast forward and quite a few fasts later I am determined to not ever do the carb thing. It actually messes up my brain/gut relationship and my body just spazzez and I eat every single thing in sight.

yes I know, but its what a person feels. looks don’t factor in but its my personal performance.
its mainly about getting the most out of life.

(Richard Morris) #25

Yeah it’s not really a number we can get an easy window into. But if you get a fasted insulin test, which is how much insulin you make when you eat nothing, and it’s over 13 mIU/l then that is what we call a weight loss plateau.

I grew up eating everything on plate - even when no longer hungry - because of the starving kids in Africa, so I know what you mean.

That is absolutely the perfect strategy - eat when hungry, stop when sated.

(Dan Quibell) #26

Meal timing would also help you a LOT.
Eating two meals a day and swapping out the whey protein for bacon or eggs.


I have always found the best way to get great tasting gravy is simply to reduce it. From a typical roast dinner, I would cook all the veg in the same water so starting with potatoes (which I don’t do any more obviously) keep the water and cook the next thing, keep the water and so on. This gives you a nice veg tasting water that you can add to meat juices and cook down. I usually also put garlic and sometimes onion in with the meat so that can be pressed through a sieve to add thickness. Butter and/or cream will also add thickness. I would rather have a thinner gravy that tastes good. It is actually very typical in France to just have a jus rather than gravy which is always thin. I am not sure what LSA is? You could look at things like xanthum gum maybe if you really missed a thick gravy?

(Stanislav Jirák) #28

Wow. The question went actually quite wide…

(Doug) #29

:slightly_smiling_face: Yes. Lots of things to think about.

“Typical day” - for me there is a very wide range. Sometimes, eggs and bacon in the morning, black coffee. Nothing else the rest of the day. Lots of fasting days, too, nothing but black coffee or tea. Nuts and cheese on some days. Or tuna and sardines. Really trying to avoid alcohol, especially beer. With my wife I’ll have wine, and tonight, with a co-worker probably 2 or 3 hard liquor drinks and a big steak. Salads too - and I should work harder at avoiding carbohydrates in salad dressing.

@Stanislav_Jirak it’s very much an individual thing. I think it’s good advice to cut down or eliminate the whey protein. Your diet looks nicely varied, and if it’s satisfying to you, that is a huge thing. If increased weight loss is what you want, have you tried fasting? It has made a lot of difference for me.

(Stanislav Jirák) #30

" If increased weight loss is what you want, have you tried fasting?" Not much really, just to reap the benefits of keto which seems far better than a diet based on high carbonhydrate intake. But, I’ve been considering intermitted fasting, seems quite libarating with some extra time to spent.

(Zu) #31

pardon me for hijacking your thread…


I recommend removing the rapeseed oil. If I could advice anyone to not eat one thing, I would say vegetable oil over sugar. If you want monosaturated fat, you can get it from avocado and olive oil.